Conservative critics have complained that Obama hasn’t put boots on the ground against ISIS or that he’s used the wrong words to address terrorism. They have also whined that more American blood and treasure needs to be expended to combat the ISIS threat. So Obama let them have it.
Speaking at the G20 meeting in Antalya, Turkey, President Obama got very blunt and to the point with his Republican and conservative critics who continue to insist he isn’t doing enough to fight ISIS terrorists, especially in the wake of the Friday the 13th attack on Paris.
Conservative critics have complained that Obama hasn’t put boots on the ground against ISIS or that he’s used the wrong words to address terrorism. They have also whined that more American blood and treasure needs to be expended to combat the ISIS threat. So Obama let them have it.
BARACK OBAMA: My only interest is to end suffering and keep the American people safe. And if there’s a good idea out there, then we’re going to do it. I don’t think I’ve shown hesitation to act whether it’s with respect to bin laden or with respect to sending additional troops in Afghanistan or keeping them there, if it is determined that it’s actually going to work.
But we do not do, what I do not do, is to take actions either because it is going to work politically or it is going to somehow in the abstract make America look tough.
Or make me look tough.
And maybe part of the reason is because every few months I go to Walter Reed.
And I see a 25-year-old kid who’s paralyzed or has lost his limbs and some of those are people I’ve ordered into battle. And so I can’t afford to play some of the political games that others may."
I mean seriously. Aren't Lindsey Graham and others STILL suggesting that we interject 100,000 or whatever guys into a situation that will do no good and get many many of them killed?
General Dunford testified before Congress the other day that the proper strategy is in place.
Yes, the healthcare system (that accounts for about 20% of our GDP?) needs to be fixed, but Obamacare was not the fix this country needed.
Obamacare's foundation of lies a warning for new Supreme Court case
A leading architect of Obamacare admitted that Democrats gamed the bill’s budget score and misled the public on the bill’s taxes in order to pass it, proclaiming that Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage for Obamacare supporters.It’s not news that Obamacare was built on lies. We’ve known it for years. But as we enter into a public debate over another Obamacare case at the Supreme Court, it’s important to keep in the front of our...
"Nuke'em 'til they glow! Shoot'em in the dark!"
President Obama deserves a tremendous amount of credit for resisting those pressures. And I can't imagine why anyone in the Military who can fog a mirror would think otherwise.
Unless you love losing friends on operations that never should have happened.
He will do anything to try to redirect anyone from concluding that the milieu in Syria is a direct result of policies implemented since 2010.
Congess is not the Commander in Chief, he is.
We should join with Russia AND QUIT WORKING WITH TURKEY TO FINANCE, ARM AND EQUIP ISIS!!! And those in our gov't who are responsible for doing that should be arrested for their involvement in committing treason. Obama is not serious about defeating ISIS and he has been going through the motions, pretending to be combatting ISIS. The Russians rightly called him out on it.
Putin: ISIS financed from 40 countries, including G20 members
President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.
SHTF ALERT -- Russian Government Says U.S. Has Been Pretending to Strike ISIS Over the Last Year...
by Kurt Nimmo, INFOWARS Alexei Pushkov, the head of the Russian parliament’s international affairs committee, took to Twitter on Friday and said the United States is not bombing ISIS. “McCain accused us of striking out at US-trained insurgents… However, since they have either run away or joined al-Qaeda, hitting them is a mission impossible,” Pushkov wrote on his Twitter account. “The US-led coalition spent a whole year pretending they were...