Posted on Feb 16, 2016
Do you believe there are any good choices for President?
Responses: 8
LOL. Agree. Amid all the rhetoric, where's the record...the evidence that this man or woman can be trusted, to keep our nation secure, strong and free? I want evidence of trustworthiness.
You forgot to include option 5: Nobody's perfect. Nobody ever has been. Even though greatly revered, even Reagan's greatest admirers concede that he made mistakes. Even I admit that I miss him greatly even though I suspect that his mistakes outnumbered his victories. It's just that his victories were so significant, that the balance sheet tipped in his favor.
Absolutely, I won't say that "Anything [sic] (Should be "anyone") is an improvement over the current POTUS". Hillary and Bernie would merely exacerbate the issues that President Obama is leaving us with just as he has exacerbated those left by President Bush. O'Malley might hold the line (like a President Ford following President Nixon). I just can't get behind the man who taxed rain. Among the GOP candidates, I could be happy with John Kasich or Ted Cruz. Neither is perfect, but far superior to President Obama or any of the current choices. There are a couple others but they've already dropped out.
"We're doomed"? Hardly. We're still Americans and We the People can pull our own fat out of the fire if we simply remember who and what we are, and stop waiting for a messiah to do it for us.
Absolutely, I won't say that "Anything [sic] (Should be "anyone") is an improvement over the current POTUS". Hillary and Bernie would merely exacerbate the issues that President Obama is leaving us with just as he has exacerbated those left by President Bush. O'Malley might hold the line (like a President Ford following President Nixon). I just can't get behind the man who taxed rain. Among the GOP candidates, I could be happy with John Kasich or Ted Cruz. Neither is perfect, but far superior to President Obama or any of the current choices. There are a couple others but they've already dropped out.
"We're doomed"? Hardly. We're still Americans and We the People can pull our own fat out of the fire if we simply remember who and what we are, and stop waiting for a messiah to do it for us.
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