Fraternization, especially in the AMEDD, where do you draw the line?
I worked almost exclusively with officers as a weather forecaster. I did not need a lecture on appropriateness because I understand the prestige of the officer corp. That said and I have even told pilots that weather is not political and that I would not succumb to pressure. That ours is to predict 'the potential' and if that potential is not met, then try to figure out why.
Sound meteorological reasoning is not supplanted by the need for an ORI when conditions are unsafe. Ultimately the responsibility rested on my shoulders and it is a chance I would not take.
The good pilots would never ask taking risks. That a flight will happen once dual alternates or VFR conditions existed. Competency made me a good forecaster and due diligence. Not being lazy or a suck-up. I would rather be the person who held out. Like a good juror and not one who wanted to get home to see 'Springer'.
It is not like the line where you rarely see your XO or your PL. You are working together almost as peers.
Of course relationships are going to develop.