Posted on Feb 24, 2016
How much of your transition time do you spend finding what you are passionate about?
Responses: 8
I don't know about retirees, but I would hope that soldiers have a plan in place before they start the transition process.
Vikki Nicometo
And I hope that plan includes some time thinking about what they really WANT to do vs. just what they think they CAN do. That's the key.
Vikki Nicometo
As long as you are starting to work on this and make it a priority, that's a good thing!
Doug Macdonald I think it depends on a lot of variables. Your current family situation, where you are located, where you are going after your ETS out of the service, what you really want to do (labor, professional, service, self-employed, etc.), so it depneds a lot on the individual and their level of motivation. No one can take you by the hand. Youhave to want something and desire soemthing so storngly that you will put all of your heart and soul into obtaining it. Good example, when I left active duty I knew that I wanted to be an officer and be in management and to get there I had to go to school to get a degree, take my supervisory exeprience in the military and translate it inot a supervisor job in the civilian world, which meant at the time taking a normal position and providn my skil set as a leader to become a Supervisor of the Sears Credit Central Floor Approval Section over a number of people with the ability to approve large lines of credit for individuals in the entire mid-west, then took leadership positions in college, and went to OCS all at the same time to increase my leadership capabilities for corporate America. Thus, I've been a Commander at every level of the military up to Brigade and have been the President of two companies, started two companies of my own and VP of several companies. To me its all about drive and self-discipline to make it happen; and constantly searching out the tough positions. Don't wait to be asked, ask for them! Just an opinion! There are a lot of other thoughts on the porcess and others that have just as solid success with other ways of achieving their end goals. This is just one!
Doug Macdonald
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, Just a question. Beyond all that what makes you get out of bed in the morning even if you weren't getting paid?
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Doug Macdonald The love and desire to help veterans and active duty members, the challenge of taking nothing and building into something, and I'm just that kind of person. I've done a lot over the years for nothing and it gave me great satisfaction! It a personal choice that individuals have to make! It comes from within! That is my personal feeling on that question! Can you relate Doug?
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