Posted on Aug 16, 2014
PO2 Fire Controlman
I have heard mixed things about this. Most that I have asked have said that the crew typically migrates to the new ship, at the same duty station as before.

Some I have asked have said that critical rates will stay with the ship, and go to the new duty station, and yet others have said that individual sailors are given the choice to stay or go.

I am also wondering if the CO/ XO/ CMC will stay with their ship, or go to the new ship, at the same command.
Posted in these groups: Navy Navy5d0f0d5 Swap
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Responses: 5
CPO Fleet Liaison
There are several examples of hull swaps.
1. Boomers: the sub change crews in its homeport to extend the deployable time of the ship. 2 crews one ship.
2. Rotations on forward deployed assets: This was done be the MCM's and the ships would stay in Bahrain while the crew rotated back and forth from San Diego.
3. Hull swaps: This is what I believe you are referring to. It is designed so that a older ship that is forward deployed can be swapped out with a newer hull number. The entire crew basically moves off one and onto the other.
Typically you have from two weeks to a month to learn the new ship and then it is yours.
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SFC Mark Merino
I'm just an Army guy and got intrigued by this posting. I'm used to moving every 2-3 years from base to base. How does it work in the Navy? Do you specialize on a certain size vessel (forgive the ignorant terminology) or can you end up on a carrier when you just got done with a destroyer?
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
More than anything else it depends on your NEC(MOS) within your rating. Navy is subdivided into many different specialities like Electronics Technician, Machinist Mate, Signalman, eyc. Within each rate like Electronics Tech, people may be further divided into Communications, Radar, Crypto, etc and specialties in these fields. Then we are subject to Sea/Shore rotation 3/3 or 5/2 or some other numbers at sea and shore.

Some equipment is specific to certain types of ships and some is found fleet wide so you may be locked into a type of ship, like a Cruiser or Destroyer for some types of Engines, OR fleet wide for some weapons systems. Hope that non-answer helps SFC Mark Merino, but it is as close as I can get without being very specific.

As a Command Master Chief I spent my last 4 tours doing 3/3 sea shore rotations. Which was actually the same as my sea/shore rotation as and ET except my Instructor billet was a 4 year billet at Great Lakes, Il. So, is also depends on your ob as well as your skills. At each rotation, we get orders to a new duty station.
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PO1 Edward Spencer
When the Reagan, Roosevelt, and Washington did the 3 way swap in San Diego last year, the majority of the crews swapped, aside from the upper chain of command and Reactor departments. Everybody else switched ships. The nukes had to stay because of specific differences between each of the plants unique to each ship.
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