Responses: 30
The folks that would follow that order wouldn't have to worry about the consequences for long The Military regardless of component has ZERO business in suppressing the Bill of rights. While it seems far fetched and you would have rhetoric on both sides then a trigger point would be reached. Lots of folks would die and tensions would exponentially increase until it reached a point of no return. As it always ends up, the innocent will suffer the powerful will be targeted and outsiders will take advantage of the chaos and make it a hundredfold worse.
Sgt Joseph Baker
The only way the military could get involved is in a state of emergency. The Posse Commitatus Act doesn't allow the military to perform law enforcement activities. But if a President makes such a declaration, we will be at the mercy of our military since we are not allowed effective weaponry to take on our military. So we are counting on enough patriots in charge that will not follow UN-Constitutional orders.
1SG Dennis Hicks
Sgt Joseph Baker - The advantage of numbers and weaponry can be negated many ways. In addition their are more former troops in the populace than on AD/RC or NG combined. That's not counting those who will honor their oath over illegal orders.
Step away from the computer and think hard before you answer this one. It can and has happened. In New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, officials went door to door confiscating guns. Oh, but only a small percentage of the guns were confiscated, some have countered as though this mitigates the infringement. Now, you may respond heroically swearing that they'll only take them "from your cold dead hands". Good luck with that. No individual, not matter how well armed, can resist a coordinated assault. Good luck every body
1SG (Join to see)
SGT Jerrold Pesz - 2d Amendment is pretty clear. Not a lot to read into there.
Understand that the converse is true, for all of the Lefties out there cheerleading for changes to the 2d Amendment or the 1st Amendment in the face of decades or centuries of case law. If that is true, the canard that a "right to privacy" (which is not in the Constitution) gives a woman a right to an abortion or that the Equal Protection clause means gay people may marry are in danger when the pendulum inevitably swings the other way.
Be careful what you wish for.
That is why the Constitution is bigger than anyone except the People. If the people wish to amend or repeal any provision in the Constitution, they may, and have many times.
Good luck getting this idea through that process.
Understand that the converse is true, for all of the Lefties out there cheerleading for changes to the 2d Amendment or the 1st Amendment in the face of decades or centuries of case law. If that is true, the canard that a "right to privacy" (which is not in the Constitution) gives a woman a right to an abortion or that the Equal Protection clause means gay people may marry are in danger when the pendulum inevitably swings the other way.
Be careful what you wish for.
That is why the Constitution is bigger than anyone except the People. If the people wish to amend or repeal any provision in the Constitution, they may, and have many times.
Good luck getting this idea through that process.
1SG Dennis Hicks
Sir, yes it has happened when LEO's went door to door looking for folks who were told to evacuate areas that were hit hard by the storm. Looters were traveling and visiting empty home to steal. Some idiots where shooting at both law enforcement and fire fighters as they were doing there jobs. There is a big difference between that scenario and a general confiscation. When you weed out those that wish for a confrontation between forces that spout angry responses over non issues and even dug in, filled the sand bags and have their bunkers ready from their opposites. You know, those that project their own sexual immaturity with phrases like ammo sexual and compare fire arms to male genitalia at every chance they get and have sever emotional fear of any weapon then you have the middle ground.
I don't care how well trained, armed and filled with all the good intention's a force has. Once you have to go door to door in Cities and in the Country you have to feel the pressure of being surrounded, even in areas where it seems that you are welcomed. Your power is negated by terrain and population. It has been proven time and time again that the small groups of folks who have the support of the people tend to put a hurt on those that would normally crush them. The longer it would go on the more support for the little guy would grow.
This isn't key board commando false bravado but history. This Nation has a history of resisting those that would set up their own kingdoms even after initially welcoming them. Even today in the seeming corrupted and brainwashed population of this country there are seeds of resistance that are awaiting the encouragement and environment to sprout. If I were sitting in my little kingdom and sending out good men and women to do harm to innocent citizens I would be very afraid that one day I would get a visit from pissed off folks looking to settle accounts.
I don't care how well trained, armed and filled with all the good intention's a force has. Once you have to go door to door in Cities and in the Country you have to feel the pressure of being surrounded, even in areas where it seems that you are welcomed. Your power is negated by terrain and population. It has been proven time and time again that the small groups of folks who have the support of the people tend to put a hurt on those that would normally crush them. The longer it would go on the more support for the little guy would grow.
This isn't key board commando false bravado but history. This Nation has a history of resisting those that would set up their own kingdoms even after initially welcoming them. Even today in the seeming corrupted and brainwashed population of this country there are seeds of resistance that are awaiting the encouragement and environment to sprout. If I were sitting in my little kingdom and sending out good men and women to do harm to innocent citizens I would be very afraid that one day I would get a visit from pissed off folks looking to settle accounts.
SSG Bill McCoy
You're correct sir, but the question wasn't about what has, or what might happen. It was, "... how far would YOU go?"
Depends on the context. If you were engaged in illegal activity where you used the firearm to further your aims, all the way. If it was part of some sweep based on legislation or even a change to the Constitution, I would not. The bill of rights is in my opinion sacrosanct. Any attempt to do away with any of them releases me from my oath my oath.
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