Is our country ready for a 3rd political Party? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> Sun, 08 May 2016 21:12:52 -0400 Is our country ready for a 3rd political Party? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> SFC Private RallyPoint Member Sun, 08 May 2016 21:12:52 -0400 2016-05-08T21:12:52-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made May 8 at 2016 9:13 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yes. The political wisdom answer of the last 20 years is “No.” You would be just throwing your vote away.<br /><br />After looking at this the last 20 years: I don’t believe that political wisdom answer holds water anymore. If a 3rd conservative party was started… say at the begging of the Clinton or Obama Presidencies we would be no better or worse. We would still have suffered through 8 years of each; and at the end of that time there would be a mechanism (the 3rd party) that would then be established to take on all these life time politicians. I am sick of them all.<br /><br />Who asked the question: When shall we be stronger? It is a good question that deserves an honest answer. SFC Private RallyPoint Member Sun, 08 May 2016 21:13:26 -0400 2016-05-08T21:13:26-04:00 Response by SFC Mike Edwards made May 8 at 2016 9:49 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yes and no. But it might be the best thing for this country moving forward. The Democratic party have used this country as a laughing stock for several years, starting with Harry Reid. SFC Mike Edwards Sun, 08 May 2016 21:49:36 -0400 2016-05-08T21:49:36-04:00 Response by SFC Wade W. made May 8 at 2016 9:49 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It has been ready but through the establishment interference we have been held to two. It is also the professional fundraisers that have been able to keep a third party at bay. When we get corporate money out of politics and allow the individual vote to be truly counted a third party would upset the apple cart to such a degree that our &quot;representatives&quot; will actually work for us. SFC Wade W. Sun, 08 May 2016 21:49:55 -0400 2016-05-08T21:49:55-04:00 Response by CPL Ricky Vasquez made May 9 at 2016 12:28 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No CPL Ricky Vasquez Mon, 09 May 2016 00:28:29 -0400 2016-05-09T00:28:29-04:00 Response by SFC Joseph Weber made May 9 at 2016 2:23 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think the American people are ready but the RNC and the DNC will crush it. SFC Joseph Weber Mon, 09 May 2016 02:23:37 -0400 2016-05-09T02:23:37-04:00 Response by PO3 David Fries made May 9 at 2016 4:58 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;d like to believe so. I have been neither a D or R for years, and this year officially changed my affiliation to a third party. PO3 David Fries Mon, 09 May 2016 04:58:38 -0400 2016-05-09T04:58:38-04:00 Response by SFC Kenneth Hunnell made May 9 at 2016 5:36 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Who&#39;s bringing the cake and ice cream to this one ? SFC Kenneth Hunnell Mon, 09 May 2016 05:36:03 -0400 2016-05-09T05:36:03-04:00 Response by SPC Rory J. Mattheisen made May 9 at 2016 12:42 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>There are many more than that now. SPC Rory J. Mattheisen Mon, 09 May 2016 12:42:16 -0400 2016-05-09T12:42:16-04:00 Response by Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen made May 9 at 2016 8:09 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not sure country is ready, but it is certainly needed. Current primary fiasco demonstrates that neither of two current parties really have a grasp on what the voters want or need. They are more concerned with what the party wants. No guarantee that a third party would be any different in the long run, but it would draw members from those disillusioned with current parties and perhaps serve as a wakeup call. Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Mon, 09 May 2016 20:09:17 -0400 2016-05-09T20:09:17-04:00 Response by Capt Private RallyPoint Member made May 9 at 2016 8:46 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would be happy with TWO parties. Just disband the two we have and start over. Capt Private RallyPoint Member Mon, 09 May 2016 20:46:19 -0400 2016-05-09T20:46:19-04:00 Response by SSG Ed Mikus made Aug 10 at 2018 11:37 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>yes please SSG Ed Mikus Fri, 10 Aug 2018 11:37:49 -0400 2018-08-10T11:37:49-04:00 2016-05-08T21:12:52-04:00