Navy Times 342265 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-14646"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0ANew, expanded rules for U.S. combat in Afghanistan in 2015%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="c906e6569c7b25a70b7ee629de18efab" href=""><img src="" alt="635525254787571887 afghanistan marines smal" /></a></div></div>From: Navy Times<br /><br />New rules for the 9,800 U.S. troops staying in Afghanistan next year will let commanders order airstrikes or night raids on Taliban forces who pose a significant threat to the Afghan government, defense officials said.<br /><br />The rules came in an order recently signed by President Obama that clarified the authorities U.S. military commanders will have after the official end of the combat mission in December.<br /><br />The new rules appear to signal an incremental expansion of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan next year.<br /><br />Six months ago, Obama announced plans to leave 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan for 2015 and limit their primary missions to two — training and advising the Afghan military and using a small cadre of special operations troops to target al-Qaida "remnants."<br /><br />With the official end of the combat mission requiring a new set of policies and legal authorities, Obama has approved the details of precisely who U.S. military commanders can target. In some cases, it may be Taliban insurgents.<br /><br />Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said Tuesday that U.S. troops would continue targeting some, though not all, Taliban militants, and may also provide field-level support for Afghan security forces.<br /><br />"We won't target Taliban just merely for the sake of the fact they're Taliban and quote-unquote 'belligerents,' " Kirby said.<br /><br />However, he added: "Should members of the Taliban decide to threaten American troops or specifically target or threaten our Afghan partners in a tactical situation, we're going to reserve the right to take action as needed. If they pose a threat directly to our troops or to the Afghan security forces, certainly then they become fair game at that point."<br /><br />U.S. forces also may provide "enabling support" for the Afghan military, which may include airstrikes, medical evacuations or logistical aid.<br /><br />"Clearly we know there is going to be some need for some enabling support," Kirby said.<br /><br />Military officials emphasize there are no plans to change the troop levels that Obama committed to Afghanistan in his May announcement, which amount to 9,800 American troops in 2015 and about half that in 2016. Obama's policy will withdraw virtually all U.S. forces from Afghanistan before he leaves office in January 2017.<br /><br />The decision to target some Taliban forces reflects two significant developments over the past several months — the resurgence of Islamic militants in Iraq and the new, pro-American government in Afghanistan.<br /><br />Many U.S. military officials were stunned by the catastrophic collapse of several Iraqi army divisions in May and June as militants loyal to the Islamic State seized large swaths of northern Iraq, including the country's second-largest city, Mosul.<br /><br />The U.S. military had given the Iraqi forces billions of dollars and many years of face-to-face training. But many of those troops simply proved unwilling to fight.<br /><br />"People are having second thoughts about their confidence in the ability of host-nation militaries. It's always a risk when your strategy relies on someone else to do the fighting," said Mieke Eoyang, director of the National Security Program at Third Way.<br /><br />Also influencing the American mission in Afghanistan is the election of a new president who is far more supportive of U.S. military support than his predecessor.<br /><br />Ashraf Ghani was elected in September and promptly signed a deal with the U.S. to keep American troops there beyond December.<br /><br />Ghani also recently lifted the ban on night raids by special operations troops, imposed by former President Hamid Karzai in 2013.<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a> New, expanded rules for U.S. combat in Afghanistan in 2015 2014-11-25T17:58:48-05:00 Navy Times 342265 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-14646"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0ANew, expanded rules for U.S. combat in Afghanistan in 2015%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="1643d8d1a905471a0dc37c992d26bf1c" href=""><img src="" alt="635525254787571887 afghanistan marines smal" /></a></div></div>From: Navy Times<br /><br />New rules for the 9,800 U.S. troops staying in Afghanistan next year will let commanders order airstrikes or night raids on Taliban forces who pose a significant threat to the Afghan government, defense officials said.<br /><br />The rules came in an order recently signed by President Obama that clarified the authorities U.S. military commanders will have after the official end of the combat mission in December.<br /><br />The new rules appear to signal an incremental expansion of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan next year.<br /><br />Six months ago, Obama announced plans to leave 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan for 2015 and limit their primary missions to two — training and advising the Afghan military and using a small cadre of special operations troops to target al-Qaida "remnants."<br /><br />With the official end of the combat mission requiring a new set of policies and legal authorities, Obama has approved the details of precisely who U.S. military commanders can target. In some cases, it may be Taliban insurgents.<br /><br />Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said Tuesday that U.S. troops would continue targeting some, though not all, Taliban militants, and may also provide field-level support for Afghan security forces.<br /><br />"We won't target Taliban just merely for the sake of the fact they're Taliban and quote-unquote 'belligerents,' " Kirby said.<br /><br />However, he added: "Should members of the Taliban decide to threaten American troops or specifically target or threaten our Afghan partners in a tactical situation, we're going to reserve the right to take action as needed. If they pose a threat directly to our troops or to the Afghan security forces, certainly then they become fair game at that point."<br /><br />U.S. forces also may provide "enabling support" for the Afghan military, which may include airstrikes, medical evacuations or logistical aid.<br /><br />"Clearly we know there is going to be some need for some enabling support," Kirby said.<br /><br />Military officials emphasize there are no plans to change the troop levels that Obama committed to Afghanistan in his May announcement, which amount to 9,800 American troops in 2015 and about half that in 2016. Obama's policy will withdraw virtually all U.S. forces from Afghanistan before he leaves office in January 2017.<br /><br />The decision to target some Taliban forces reflects two significant developments over the past several months — the resurgence of Islamic militants in Iraq and the new, pro-American government in Afghanistan.<br /><br />Many U.S. military officials were stunned by the catastrophic collapse of several Iraqi army divisions in May and June as militants loyal to the Islamic State seized large swaths of northern Iraq, including the country's second-largest city, Mosul.<br /><br />The U.S. military had given the Iraqi forces billions of dollars and many years of face-to-face training. But many of those troops simply proved unwilling to fight.<br /><br />"People are having second thoughts about their confidence in the ability of host-nation militaries. It's always a risk when your strategy relies on someone else to do the fighting," said Mieke Eoyang, director of the National Security Program at Third Way.<br /><br />Also influencing the American mission in Afghanistan is the election of a new president who is far more supportive of U.S. military support than his predecessor.<br /><br />Ashraf Ghani was elected in September and promptly signed a deal with the U.S. to keep American troops there beyond December.<br /><br />Ghani also recently lifted the ban on night raids by special operations troops, imposed by former President Hamid Karzai in 2013.<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a> New, expanded rules for U.S. combat in Afghanistan in 2015 2014-11-25T17:58:48-05:00 2014-11-25T17:58:48-05:00 CPT Aaron Kletzing 342276 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It's tough to read this -- it really is -- because you think for a moment about all the men and women that may find themselves back in harm's way so soon. But the military is the military and we will complete the mission we are rightly given. And this is why so few people are ever able to join the military, let alone make it and do well. This also makes me think of military families -- spouses, children, and other loved ones. My foremost feeling is Godspeed to everyone getting sent back down range. Keep your head on a swivel and complete the mission. You will all be in our thoughts and prayers. Response by CPT Aaron Kletzing made Nov 25 at 2014 6:04 PM 2014-11-25T18:04:46-05:00 2014-11-25T18:04:46-05:00 CPT Aaron Kletzing 342280 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I appreciate the complexity of the situation on the ground in Afghanistan, and I don't presume to have the authority to make absolute judgments. But one statement from this article that concerns me is the confusion that is getting created here around who our troops can target and why. I remember that even in Iraq back in 07-09, there were instances where we wanted to hit a target and couldn't, because the Iraqi Army was supposed to do those missions...and then they did, and failed, and that insurgent got away. I get it: my experiences are just one data point. But it is so hard for leaders on the ground to be optimally effective in the moment of lethal action when, during a night raid for example, you're not sure which enemy can be targeted and which can't. Response by CPT Aaron Kletzing made Nov 25 at 2014 6:04 PM 2014-11-25T18:04:54-05:00 2014-11-25T18:04:54-05:00 CPO Greg Frazho 342299 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Way to telegraph strength, capabilities and rules of engagement for anybody and everybody! Response by CPO Greg Frazho made Nov 25 at 2014 6:23 PM 2014-11-25T18:23:29-05:00 2014-11-25T18:23:29-05:00 LTC Richard Wasserman 342303 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Very Familiar picture! I start sweating just looking at it. Response by LTC Richard Wasserman made Nov 25 at 2014 6:25 PM 2014-11-25T18:25:41-05:00 2014-11-25T18:25:41-05:00 CPL Private RallyPoint Member 342340 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My mind can&#39;t grasp the need for 10k soldiers to stay behind after the new year? If we pulled out all but a few hundred come Dec. 2014 or 2 more years from now the inevitable is going to happen just like it did in Iraq. All the lives, money, and time lost in Iraq makes me sick to my stomach. Afghanistan is the next fallout. Response by CPL Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 25 at 2014 6:55 PM 2014-11-25T18:55:51-05:00 2014-11-25T18:55:51-05:00 SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member 342428 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Maybe it is time to go back. 3x in the Middle East...what is the adage, the 3rd time is a.........! Response by SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 25 at 2014 8:13 PM 2014-11-25T20:13:33-05:00 2014-11-25T20:13:33-05:00 2014-11-25T17:58:48-05:00