Christian King 3793484 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hate to sound impatient, but I&#39;m wondering if I should call my recruiter back in 2 weeks. I asked my recruiter on the 2nd, about a courtesy call, and he said he got info from whoever, but they were half and half on if my waiver would be entertained, so he sent it up to the district and will call me with more info. Haven&#39;t heard anything since and I told myself I&#39;d wait at least a month before calling back.<br /><br />The call was made to see if my waiver would be entertained by the higher ups, given its mental and resulted in a discharge from Army. The guy he spoke to said it might be fine, given I&#39;ve been cleared by multiple therapists and years have passed, but it might be a problem given it WAS mental and USMC boot camp could flare up any mental problems. Fair enough, I said and agreed with the concern, so he was sending it up to someone in our district to see what they say.<br /><br />Though I dont want to seem impatient/ungrateful, cause he really doesnt have to do shit, but I was wondering how long it takes to get information back from the district and if I should just call back anytime soon, or at the two week mark when its been a month?<br /><br />And if you notice my name, yes I was considering going back to Army but decided against it for multiple reasons and am finally going with my initial goal of the Marines. Should I give it 2 weeks before making a courtesy call about my waiver (RE-3) for USMC? 2018-07-14T17:25:08-04:00 Christian King 3793484 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hate to sound impatient, but I&#39;m wondering if I should call my recruiter back in 2 weeks. I asked my recruiter on the 2nd, about a courtesy call, and he said he got info from whoever, but they were half and half on if my waiver would be entertained, so he sent it up to the district and will call me with more info. Haven&#39;t heard anything since and I told myself I&#39;d wait at least a month before calling back.<br /><br />The call was made to see if my waiver would be entertained by the higher ups, given its mental and resulted in a discharge from Army. The guy he spoke to said it might be fine, given I&#39;ve been cleared by multiple therapists and years have passed, but it might be a problem given it WAS mental and USMC boot camp could flare up any mental problems. Fair enough, I said and agreed with the concern, so he was sending it up to someone in our district to see what they say.<br /><br />Though I dont want to seem impatient/ungrateful, cause he really doesnt have to do shit, but I was wondering how long it takes to get information back from the district and if I should just call back anytime soon, or at the two week mark when its been a month?<br /><br />And if you notice my name, yes I was considering going back to Army but decided against it for multiple reasons and am finally going with my initial goal of the Marines. Should I give it 2 weeks before making a courtesy call about my waiver (RE-3) for USMC? 2018-07-14T17:25:08-04:00 2018-07-14T17:25:08-04:00 SGT Christopher Hayden 3793519 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Wait the month. You&#39;re not his only &quot;client&quot; and there isn&#39;t anything he can do once it gets sent up. If he heard something, he likely would have contacted you. Waivers take time, especially ones that are more likely going to be tough to get. Response by SGT Christopher Hayden made Jul 14 at 2018 5:37 PM 2018-07-14T17:37:46-04:00 2018-07-14T17:37:46-04:00 Sgt Private RallyPoint Member 3793649 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1527519" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1527519-christian-king">Christian King</a> I agree with <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1064665" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1064665-sgt-christopher-hayden">SGT Christopher Hayden</a>. Wait at least a month because recruiters are busy men and women. Waivers take time and your recruiter will not sit on the information when he has something to report. Response by Sgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 14 at 2018 6:38 PM 2018-07-14T18:38:40-04:00 2018-07-14T18:38:40-04:00 SGT Christopher Combs 3793886 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Call back in two weeks and ask for an exception to policy along with the statements to back up why you RE code should not be a 4 Response by SGT Christopher Combs made Jul 14 at 2018 8:16 PM 2018-07-14T20:16:21-04:00 2018-07-14T20:16:21-04:00 2018-07-14T17:25:08-04:00