Posted on Aug 1, 2016
So I smoked my last cigerette today and hopefully it will be the final one. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to make quitting successful?
Responses: 20
What I did to stop was to fill a large coffee can with old butts and ashes....kept it covered next to my work area and when I had the urge to smoke, I removed the cover and inhaled the stench of the butts and ashes...this dissuaded me from lighting up and worked very effectively in ending the habit...
Do more PT. One side effect of smoking is weight loss, nicotine suppresses appetite. You will want to eat more often.
Well I had to re-find this post, figured it would be here.i had a book written for you and somehow deleted...!!! Take 2: First off great job quitting, very difficult to put down a habit. after 3 days you will lose the all the time cravings unless you use the patch...After a few weeks you will be GTG. I smoked for 24 years. Kids were my motivation, so a pic in the pack leading up to my planned quitting date helped a lot. someone gave me a set of patches when they were $100 a set in '94. 2 things helped me greatly. Walking through the smoking area of an office building where dozens of people were smoking 2 at a time during break and it stunk so bad I never wanted that smell on me again and I called them losers on the way through....!!! Also get a treadmill and a heavy bag! Good luck SGT, send me a message if you feel the need to smoke....You won't when we're done!.
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