Posted on Sep 14, 2015
Responses: 18
I'm not a judge, and do not have all the evidence. Someone died, and no amount of jail time will bring that person back. However, the Army's tolerance to this Senior NCO's behavior is unacceptable. There is no excuse for driving drunk and being a Senior NCO he should know better. There should be, at a minimum, mandatory substance abuse counseling. If a junior soldier had done this, their career would be over before it began. I'm extremely sick of the tolerance the military has towards senior leaders who have this type of questionable behavior.
MAJ Anthony Henderson
Per the news report that I saw, the only reason that the Soldier was still on active duty was because of the pending trial. I'm sure that his career is over. Normally the Army will allow the civilian judicial process to complete itself before it takes action.
CW3 Eric W. S.
MAJ Anthony Henderson - Of course his career is over, he has 21 years, he is eligible to retire. This travesty will go unresolved and he will go unpunished for killing another man.
Sorriest thing I have read in years. There is absolutely no reason anyone should have allowed him to continue his military service. Who cares what his record looked like beforehand? He was drunk, he killed a man and left a fellow veteran in the street to die. At a minimum, he should be serving life in Leavenworth. I blame his command, I blame his Commander, I blame the judge, I blame the system... Everyone failed David Keller's family.
(0) much for zero tolerance. If seen tougher sentences for shop lifters.
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