Posted on Sep 22, 2017
The age old question still remains. If there was a war between the branches, who would win?
Responses: 15
So... it really boils down to two services. Air Force and Navy. Why? We control the nukes and can go scorched earth if need be. And as much as I hate to say it, I'll have to give the final win to the Navy. Because subs. They'd be last ones standing.
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
CWO3 Randy Weston - He means that even with just the submarines surviving (in the event of a Scorched Earth scenario), they could repopulate the species.
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
PO3 Donald Murphy - Yep. In a nuke fight, Navy wins. Plain and simple. That's why the Lance had to add the caveat, no nukes, heh. But yeah, we all know, the subs are the trump card in a nuke fight.
PO3 Donald Murphy
CWO3 Randy Weston - The relevance is that you could repopulate if need be. Tongue in cheek of course. After all, its a fantasy question...
CWO3 Randy Weston
You are absolutely correct. My old brain wasn't working right! Sorry about the misread.
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