There have been many articles that call the master's degree the new bachelor's degree. Do you agree? Why or why not?
As others have stated here, it is a matter of perception. The articles that are stating that you now need a Masters to be competitive tend to focus on mid to high level positions and they are absolutely correct that an applicant will not be competitive for these jobs without a graduate degree.
For now, a Bachelor's is still the standard for nearly all entry-level professional positions. Of course, as a member of the military, retiring after 20 or more years of service, I've seen a tendency for the Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine to expect more than an entry level position and want the pay to be commensurate. Although there are 'Green Friendly' companies out there that actively seek out retiring military for their management, organizational, and leadership abilities and do compensate them for the additional skills they bring to the table over a recent, 20 something college graduate, that is still the exception rather than the norm. If you are retiring as a 20 year infantryman/tanker/mechanic/whatever with a bachelor's degree in business, most companies will only consider you for an entry level position because they see no translatable skills from your military service. If you want to start at higher than entry level with that company, you are going to need an MBA. It's the same for nearly any civilian position. Even if you are applying for a DA Civilian position, most of the GS-11 or higher positions state a requirement for a graduate degree in the qualifications section.
In the end, your expectations for position and pay after your military career will determine whether you need a bachelors or a masters degree and the majority of potential employers will thank you for your service but aren't going to credit you with squat in the application and interview process for your time in uniform unless it directly relates to there business model.
If I may piggy-back off of your suggestion #2:
Knowing how many Soldiers you supervise can help demonstrate a congruancy between the position your are apply for and your experience. Knowing how many projects you managed, the scope and scale of those projects, and the end result can help translate what your skill level really is. Demonstrating how much inventory you controlled, moved, etc in either dollar amount or piece count can be very impactful.
Numbers are hard to argue with. It also helps demonstrate at what level you were performing. When I was in the civilian world, I was a mid-level manager. I often interviewed retirees or reserve-component servicemembers for positions. Thankfully, I knew the lingo...but those that could quantitatively communicate their experience always faired better. I may not know that a section leader in "X" unit managed 52 personnel and managed $73m worth of equipment. My experience may have been a section managed 5 people and had a few thousands of dollars worth of equipment. It also helped when these interviewees would move on to other managers who did not understand the lingo.
My other observation, having put 4 children through college, is that colleges are a racket and often not worth the money they charge, but required when your kids want to go to medical school or get other credentials.
As for online degrees there may be a difference. Some online colleges are not even recognized as being "valid" degrees.