Posted on Nov 4, 2014
LTC Jason Strickland
Voter polling...according to rallypoint
Let's do some unscientific exit polling and see how the 400,000+ demographic group we call RallyPoint votes today. It's a simple poll to generally see which way you cast your ballot.
Tomorrow we'll know how much we are a force to be reckoned with - and if SFC Mark Merino and SSG V. Michelle Woods should be our first ticket for 2016!
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Responses: 51
LTC Jason Strickland
The votes are all cast - both in the actual election and here on RallyPoint. Thanks for your contribution. Anecdotally, it appears that our military and veteran community votes were consistent with the rest of the population across the U.S. The only difference I noted was when you just looked at the officers who voted, it was very evenly split among Republican, Independent, and Other. Otherwise, no matter how I viewed the results from different categories, they were relatively the same.
Thanks for your input MAJ Dallas D., MAJ Keith Young, SSG (Join to see), MSgt (Join to see), SSG John Erny, SSG Robin Rushlo, SPC James Mcneil, LTC (Join to see), PO2 Gerry Tandberg, CW2 Joseph Evans, PV2 (Join to see), PO2 Ed C., 1LT Scott Doyle, CPT Zachary Brooks, 1SG Michael Blount, MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca, MSgt Allan Folsom, LTC (Join to see), MSG Wade Huffman, Cpl Matthew Wall, LTC (Join to see), PO1 Ernie Foster, PO3 (Join to see), CPT (Join to see), Cpl Jason Cox, LTC (Join to see), SSG Colette Simons, SGT (Join to see), MAJ (Join to see), CW5 (Join to see), SSG Tim Everett, LTC (Join to see), PO1 Mike Wolff, SGT Ronald Parkerton, SPC Donald Wright, Cpl Christopher Allen-Shinn, SSG V. Michelle Woods, Cpl (Join to see), SGT Michael Glenn, SSG Brad Porter, SGT Michaël-Joseph Forand, 1LT David Moeglein, SrA Marc Haynes, SGT Scott Curtice, SGT(P) Harry Clyde Jr., SFC Mark Merino, SSgt Rusty Baker, CSM (Join to see), PO1 Ernie Foster, PO2 Steven Erickson, SFC (Join to see), PO1 William "Chip" Nagel, CPL(P) (Join to see), SSG Warren Swan, SFC(P) (Join to see), and MSgt Allan Folsom.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
I made a mention!! I made a mention!! Annddddd -- I didn't have to bribe anybody
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
CPL(P) (Join to see) - I wish that were so, SPC. Truth to tell, the Army needs many things, but "yes men" is not one of them
CPL(P) Communications
CPL(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
No one thumbs down 1SG.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
@SPC Alan Ludwig - Well, i am not a politician out here looking for votes.
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MAJ Dallas D.
Edited >1 y ago
How about adding Libertarian instead of other!!! We are a force and we will continue to grow. There is no longer any difference between the R's or the D's they are all about power, money and control.

But I still never vote along a party line, I vote the issues and who I believe will stand for what I believe in.
CW2 Humint Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Lol sir. It's not the time of the libertarians. Sadly they aren't even in the discussion. They'll prolly garner maybe 1% of the vote maybe two.
MAJ Dallas D.
MAJ Dallas D.
>1 y
MAJ Keith Young With my hat in my hand I am honestly blown away that Wyllie only got 3% of the vote, I truly thought he would at least poll at 10%.

I am sure you are happy that Scott got the win and I will admit I feel he is a better option that "It's all about me Crist" but I am blown away at how many people voted for him. I mean he was a R, then when he lost he became a I and then when he lost again he became a D, I guess Green Party is next for him as we all know it's all about him.
MAJ Dallas D.
MAJ Dallas D.
>1 y
MAJ Keith Young All great points, and I would welcome meeting you for a beer if you are ever in the Jacksonville area.

Sad that you are actually able to say Hillary Clinton is a tough opponent after her many failures with Benghazi at the very least she should be in jail but so should others.......
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Dallas D., while I have many personal thoughts on Libertarians I'll address one thing you mentioned above which is Crist. He was never a true conservative and many of us were glad he left our party since he, like all politicians, is in it for himself. Unfortunately, we have plenty of idiots in the Republican party like McConnell, McCain, Roberts, Collins, Graham, Cochran, Hatch and Murkowski.
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CW2 Joseph Evans
Keep in mind an Idaho Democrat is still more Republican than a Republican in most other states.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
>1 y
MAJ Keith Young, I'll worry about what is and isn't getting funded as soon as something else takes a bigger chunk of the Federal budget than "National Defense". Once we have American sons and daughters back on American soil. Once we end the war on drugs, end the war on terrorism, and end the war on poverty.

I happen to feel that universal health care is important if we are to be able to move forward as a nation. But if it is going to look like tri-care and the VA, I have to admit, it's going in the wrong direction.
Besides, it was the Tea Party that fractured the Republicans... The GOP never should have waded into that pool.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
>1 y
MAJ Keith Young, I really do need to slow down on hot button topics. In a final analysis, you and I are going to find a lot of common ground. The initial disagreement is going to be over what is the biggest problem of the day that needs addressed. That and I tend to choose the wrong combination of words in my arguments.

I feel that the Tax Revenues generated at all levels should have a more appropriate balance on how they are spent. Also who should be paying what.
I think universal education should have a higher priority than National Defense.
I think 3 hots and a cot for 20 years for drug abuse is a serious misuse of funds.
I don't think the SS fund should be used to bail out banks and bankrupt industries.
I don't feel that corporate monopolies should be enabled by the US Government.
I don't believe that your health insurance company should force you to use a hospital that has a 4000% markup on a device that they own stock in.
But since we aren't going to solve all the problems at once, which one comes first?
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