What technologies should be developed and/or utilized by the military in order to keep the U.S. military ahead of the rest of the world?
Cyber warfare and Information Operations.
We had best get religion on offensive and defensive aspects of both or we risk adversaries neutralizing our technological advantages and/or paralyzing actions and public support with misinformation, deception, or superiority of messaging.
Both are subtle, yet existential threats to our nation.
To !e, this should be numerous uno, it was nearly perfected back in the 1960s, and would be the key to limar colonization, to not finish it now strikes !e as totally and utterly absurd...AI, genomics, all of that is totally secondary, this, to !e, is the real clincher, the only realistically avaolable way off this rock, honest....
Nuclear thermal rocket - Wikipedia
A nuclear thermal rocket is a proposed spacecraft propulsion technology. In a nuclear thermal rocket a working fluid, usually liquid hydrogen, is heated to a high temperature in a nuclear reactor, and then expands through a rocket nozzle to create thrust. In this kind of thermal rocket, the nuclear reactor's energy replaces the chemical energy of the propellant's reactive chemicals in a chemical rocket. The thermal heater / inert propellant...
NASA Project ROVER NERVA Nuclear Rocket Engine testing @ Jackass Flats
NASA's nuclear rocket engine idea, shot down by concern of radioactive fallout. This was NASAs original idea for a engine to get to the moon. Project ROVER N...