Posted on Jul 10, 2016
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Coaching is one of the most powerful communication and leadership instruments, and is extremely effective in working with change.

Unfortunately, it’s not really practiced by many managers and leaders!

RP Members why is it important for a Great Leader to be a Great Coach?
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 10
CPT Jack Durish
A great leader is a great teacher. If you want someone to do something your way, you must be able and willing to teach them. Conversely, a great teacher is a great leader. Sadly, I never found one of those, not in the nineteen years of my formal education up to and including graduation from law school.
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SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
Edited 8 y ago
COL Mikel J. Burroughs ,
Great thought provoking question. As a leader, it is important to be an effective coach. This comes in many forms as leaders should want to employ the practice of bringing out the best in their team members, coupled with the aid of both their professional and personal development. Personally, I am one who is all for that, as the promotion and fostering of education is a huge personal mantra for me in which I enjoy seeing others working towards their goals and succeeding. Regardless of rank and position, if I see a team member taking a familiar path that I have encountered in which they are unsure of how to complete it or even get started; if I have a working knowledge on the particular circumstance, I am going to provide my contribution factor in order to help them get kick started towards that objective, as they work complete their personal goals. Because ultimately, it brings a dual benefit to the big picture. Personal growth and development for the individual coupled with an enhanced array of new skill sets and knowledge that can be provided for the organization and that of its members. Overall great post and thanks for sharing COL Mikel J. Burroughs .
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
8 y
I tell my folks that I am here to use as a sounding board. I don't try to impose myself on them; rather, I allow them to come to me with problems and issues that they have. I check in on them on a daily basis so that they know that I am around. I also do some hip pocket training as well as give anecdotal information, when needed.
SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
8 y
MAJ Rene De La Rosa ,
Thank you for sharing. Your approach and leadership style is spot on, as you provide the invisible safety net to both let your team members perform on their own and grow with sound advice, coupled with the strong message conveyed of being there if they need you. Sound leadership! Thanks for sharing.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
8 y
SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM and MAJ Rene De La Rosa you have both provided some great insight to leading and coaching and their importance in today's leaders not only in the various sefvice branches, but in the civlian sector as well. I've always made myself approachable to everyone that I'm associated with, whether we have a working/employer relationship, personal relationship, or we have business/client relationship. Coaching can take on many forms and can used many different scenarios. Leading is about getting extraordinary, sometimes just good things done through all types of individuals people that are around you, working with you and for you, and that you have yet to meet. It’s about getting programs implemented and Change Management accepted by clarifying goals and delegating the necessary authority, so that people take ownership and accountability for those programs and those changes. Coaching is about asking powerful questions that empower individuals and people to work out solutions for themselves, take responsibility and ownership of a project, a change, a concept, and put things into action that will help the organization reach the "Finals!". Today's effective leaders no longer ‘tell,’ but instead they ask better questions. Just exactly what both of your were referring to. Spot on! I'm out of Votes Up for this day, but you are on my list and I'll catch up to you both! Let's here from some other great leaders on this subject:

LTC Stephen C. LTC Stephen F.CPT (Join to see)CMSgt Mark SchubertLTC John ShawPVT James Strait Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS COL Ted McPO1 John Miller SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SN Greg WrightPO2 Ed C.SrA Christopher WrightLCDR (Join to see) SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" ThomasCapt Christopher Mueller SP5 Mark Kuzinski
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 8 y ago
Great leaders impart knowledge and skills to those they lead which is equivalent to coaching COL Mikel J. Burroughs. Additionally great leaders have learned from those they lead. Good coaches recognize they are not perfect and can still learn.
Christ is my model for leadership. He taught us to have a mindset that as leaders we should be focused on serving those we lead with wisdom, courage, knowledge and respect.
The relationship of leaders to led is best reflected in the military salute which when done properly signifies mutual respect.
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