Why should women be excluded from professional "contact" sports, and yet be considered for the profession of "combat arms?" https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Women in Combat Arms/Contact Sports; Serious Questions For Army Leadership:<br /> 02 February, 2015<br /><br />

As Super Bowl, XLIX settles into the record books, what contemporary lessons might be applicable to those in leadership within the combat arms branches, and for the Infantry specifically to reflect on, in the highly politicized and fiscally constrained atmosphere that the U.S. Army finds itself in today. I first pondered the pending sociological/physiological dilemma for the Infantry Branch while reading an article in the Army Times two years ago (HEADLINE: “The New Rules On Women In Combat” 04 Feb. 2013). <br /><br />Of course, as a former 
Infantryman (MOS 11B), the front page caught my attention, as I’m 
sure it was meant to. This article came out not long after the former Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, made his “infinitely wise” and timely (on his way out) decision to open up “all” combat positions to women, across the entirety of the U.S. Armed Forces. This proclamation was imposed on those in the highest positions of leadership, whether the civilian armed service secretaries, the Joint Chiefs, or down to my fellow rank and file NCOs. We were to implement this new policy, or come up with reasons why it could not be done feasibly, by FY 2016.<br /><br />The question I pose here is whether professional sports have any bearing on this issue? For those who have served in the Armed Forces, the comparisons between the profession of arms and professional sports are obvious. The soldier/marine, and or “special operator” must keep him or herself in a high state of physical readiness, and at all times, for when the proverbial “balloon goes up.” However in professional sports, there is one glaring difference. Men and women’s events are gender exclusive! <br /><br />No sport makes this as obvious as professional football. We might have a Women’s National Basketball Association, and all female semi-pro softball, or pro-soccer, but a female football team (despite ill fated attempts) seems to be all but laughable, conjuring up misogynist scenes of cheerleaders in lingerie and shoulder pads. But American Football, that’s serious business, that’s a “man’s sport!”<br /> <br />I then thought to myself, why do we now, not 
take the defense of this country (as it relates to the “Combat 
Arms”), as “serious” as we do professional football?! Why is it 
permissible, and even reasonable to exclude women from one 
institution and not from another? Is it merely tradition, unfounded discrimination, 
the “physicality” of so-called “contact” sports, pure unmitigated sexism, or just a lost sense of perspective or proportion? <br /><br />Should the “combat arms” be considered a “contact sport” after all?” This, not just due to the prospect of “closing” with the enemy hand to hand, but even in garrison, now more than ever, as mixed martial arts (MMA) are the current template for combatives training! Even the Octagon has yet to sink so low as to allow coed MMA (it’s coming though, to be sure, if only for the shock factor, and profit motive)<br /><br />Women serving in our armed forces are also serious business. Like their “brothers in arms,” they must keep themselves physically fit, and train regularly as athletes, ready for the physical demands potentially placed upon them, when deployed into a combat zone. However, the difference is that they will be faced with a predominantly male enemy! <br /><br />Why are professional women in sports given a special dispensation, in deference to their differing physiology, so as not to be confronted with male opponents? Our “sisters in arms” are not to be shown similar consideration? Is it a class distinction, or outright sexism that makes provision in the public consciousness, and the public space, for such a glaring difference between the high society of “proper” professional female athletes, and women in the military, soon to be faced with the prospects of direct combat, serving in the Infantry or the other combat arms (Armor, and Artillery) <br /><br />
The policy makers are quite serious about pushing “willing” women into these rolls. The two most recent and obvious examples/experiments, evidently designed to sanction, if not validate this concept, was the recent class of the United States Marine Corps’ Infantry Officer’s Course (IOC), and now the premier combat arms professional development course in the U.S. Army, namely Ranger School (the first class with female students/observers now underway, at the time of this writing).<br /><br />They say common sense is not so common anymore. 
Perhaps everything we do or say now is based on political 
expediency. This is especially obvious as it is the
 politicians making these decisions (almost always, with no experience 
in the field), that we in positions of responsibility are expected 
to implement and enforce (despite what may be our personal opinions, and the better judgment of those with relevant 
experience). <br /><br />After all, we must by necessity, ask if this new policy strengthens, or even enhances our 
capabilities in a time of increasing threats, and instability across 
the globe. The obvious and unquestionable applicability and effectiveness of “Female Engagement Teams” aside, are we just returning to another perceived period of 
“peace-time mentality,” when we can afford to cut our defenses, and 
conduct social engineering experiments? Not if the actions of ISIL/ISIS have a say in the matter!<br /><br />As an Army health care professional and National Registry Emergency Medical Technician, and in 
this era of data and information saturation, I am compelled to ask, 
“where’s the science” in this decision? What studies have been 
conducted and where is the empirical data supporting the new 
policy? So far one experiment, the Marine’s IOC, has been telling. We have yet to see if the women in Ranger School will be so challenged, and fare as well. <br /><br />What Army leaders need to ask, at a minimum, is how this 
new policy is going to affect our sisters in the service, 
especially among the enlisted ranks. We hear from many in the 
officer ranks who believe that not being in the combat arms, and in a command billet, 
is a sort of “glass ceiling,” an impediment to their advancement. 
In reality, promotion rates for women in the military are now in fact, comparable if not better than their male counterparts.<br /><br />However, it will be the (up to now, mostly voiceless) women in 
the enlisted ranks that will endure the greater burdens, the new 
levels of austerity, lack of hygiene, or privacy as required at the 
small unit (Platoon/Squad/Section/Fire Team) level, in the field. Those individuals potentially faced with this prospect, who 
have spoken out in opposition, such as Gunnery Sergeant Jessie Duff, 
have been for the most part, ignored. 

<br /><br />The US Army’s Physical Training manual, (FM 21-20, 1992 Edition) 
had an appendix in the back describing the “physiological 
differences” between male and female soldiers. It was to be used 
as a leader’s guide to effectively plan physical training, manage expectations and maximize outcomes. 
It were these very differences between males and females that we were told, 
 justified the different scoring standards for male and female soldiers 
respectively, on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). <br /><br />“Appendix A,” went into detail describing biological and
 physiological factors for female soldiers such as, their average smaller 
frame size having an effect on workload capacity, fat distribution and 
accumulation points anatomically, resulting in what amounts to greater
 drag to weight ratios. Bones being less dense (an added musculoskeletal 
injury factor for women on active “jump status” for example), wider pelvic 
structure, smaller heart size and lung capacity, limiting overall physical efficiency 
and endurance, relative to training. There were circulation issues, response
 to heat, and pregnancy considerations as well. Women having up to 50% 
less total muscle mass by weight, are thus limited to at best, 80% of
 overall strength conditioning potential as compared with their male coleagues. <br /><br />To quote the 
manual, “men usually have an advantage in strength, speed and power 
over women.” These facts were not meant to in any way disparage women
 soldiers but rather to allow for realistic &quot;train the trainer&quot; goals and objectives (will our potential enemies “play fair,” and only allow their women to fight ours?). 

<br /><br />What the manual does not mention however, as a concern in combat, 
is that with up to a liter, less total blood volume, and coupled with an elevated 
heart rate, a seriously injured woman would also be at risk of bleeding 
out faster on the battlefield. Knowing this, and the unavoidably inherent
 protective instinct that “real” men are supposed to have for women 
(that is, if we are still teaching that to our boys anymore, as they punch, kick and hack away at female video game opponents), might be a 
determining factor in whether or not, you give life saving aid to her, or your mission 
essential patrol leader, likewise injured (then again, I suppose we&#39;ll 
just have to suppress that instinct). It might surprise you to 
know (or not) that this appendix has since been omitted, 
and no longer appears in the most recent version (TC-22.20, Aug 2010).<br /><br />

Regardless of whether or not a woman could do the job, the question 
is, should she have to? This does sound cold and callous, but facts are 
facts. These are hard economic times, especially on the DOD. Given the pending budget limitations for finite training 
dollars, one might also logically ask, why spend that same training dollar and get a less 
efficient “product” for the combat arms? If we were talking about 
professional football, these factors, even choosing among the male &quot;players,&quot; would be obvious. 
Army leaders have much tougher decisions to make than football team owners/managers; 
because lives are literally &quot;on the line.&quot; For instance, ball players are not expected 
to pull each other off the field when injured (much less with the 
heavier equipment, and body armor of a soldier, I might add). What should be 
obvious is that these factors ought to be all the more 
significant, in the combat arms. 
<br /><br />
Some might argue that physical strength is no longer a factor 
because we are riding around into combat now, in up-armored 
vehicles. That does not preclude a future (or present) conflict from not being fought 
that way exclusively, if at all. And, in the all too often absence of rotor
-wing support, ground combat as in times past, would require extremely 
long distance foot movements, “forced marches” if you will (with no 
time to “pop a squat”), slogging through some jungle hell somewhere, or 
in the frigid mountains (as in Afghanistan today) for days if not weeks at a 
time, with little to no rest, privacy or personal hygiene. <br /><br />

Since when has being in the combat arms become a “right” all of a sudden? There are many physical standards which might prevent one from being in the military, much less the combat arms. These standards typically include, but are not limited to, visual acuity, height, weight, and physical disability. These standards may be “discriminatory” by definition, but they are not prejudiced in their motivation or intention. To serve in any particular branch of the Army is not based on “rights,” but rather on the “needs of the Army,” and that in this case, most dramatically!<br /><br />At the end of the cold war, there was a common misperception of 
future wars being fought “at the push of a button.” Well, war has a 
funny way of being unpredictable, as to where, when, how, and the 
conditions and resourses one might expect to have once there. Is anyone at the highest levels of Army leadership being proactive enough 
about this policy to ask what the second and third order of effects 
might be, the unintended consequences, or the ripple effect into 
the greater American society?

 The politicians aren’t going to ask the hard questions; that is our responsibility as Army leaders.<br /><br />Another consideration is the classic “two theaters of operations simultaneously” conflict scenario, or a “super power” conflagration that has justified the continued 
registration for the draft. This is now the proverbial “elephant in 
the room!” A conflict of this magnitude has always theoretically 
required a rapid expansion of “man power” to meet the threat. It 
would also require the bulk of personnel resources (at least 
initially), be channeled into the combat arms. Will this remain a 
“freedom of choice” issue for women only (reference the, “They should be allowed to, if they ‘want’ to,” egalitarian argument)? Would that not be a 
sexist policy by design? And, If they’re going to start registering our 
daughters for the draft, out of “fairness,” the public ought to demand that it had better not be, before every congressman’s son, and 
every professional ball playing athlete/entertainer, is a part of the “big 
green machine!” 

<br /><br />As an anthropological issue, how does this affect our young men in the American society/culture at large? Around the world most indigenous cultures have 
initiation rights (or &quot;rights of passage&quot;) into “manhood.” The only 
one still left (besides football and the Infantry) in the U.S. apparently, for young men (that sets them apart, as anything
 different or special), is registration for the draft. As we continue to 
devalue any special contribution that men in general, and young 
men in particular can make in today’s society, as men; should
 we be surprised with a corresponding rise in the numbers of young 
urban males looking for “manhood” in a youth gang?!<br /><br />

I couldn’t help but find it ironic that in the President’s 2013 State of 
the Union message, after having just touted the merits of having 
previously passed the “Violence Against Women Act,” that mere minutes later he 
virtually said that it was time our women faced “combat!” That is 
to say, it’s time we pushed our women out in front, and closer to the 
enemy (not his daughters of course), granting them in the process, 
the greater likelihood, or “equal opportunity” one could say, of being 
captured as well! One might ask Jessica Lynch about her 
experiences, and whether or not that should be considered “violence 
against women!” Although supportive of this dubious agenda, BG Rhonda Cornum, 
is usually rather “close hold,” and even dismissive, about her 
similar experiences in captivity. <br /><br />Can we really justify this added 
specter of trauma that future female combatants would have to 
endure? And would their suffering at the hand of their captors (torture being back in vogue, these days) 
place unnecessary pressure on their fellow male prisoners “to talk,” 
thus inviting the added potential for mission compromise! Oh, and by the way, they won’t be using the GITMO or CIA Interrogation handbooks; they’ll do it the “old fashioned” way, where you may not come out intact, physically or mentally, if at all. <br /><br />The Israelis discovered that during their 1948 War for Independence, that Arab units facing co-ed IDF units, were incited to greater “acts of valor!” As it turned out, they fought harder as if being insulted, and trying to save face. Thus they had given their enemy an unintended boost to their fighting morale! The IDF has been reluctant to put their “women in combat,” ever since. I guess it’s a good thing we’re winding down in the A-stan. We shouldn’t have to face another enemy in the Islamic world any time soon, right?<br /><br />

There are seemingly few issues upon which military leaders place 
emphasis and priority on today, as is the prevention of sexual assault. 
It begs the question that since the dissolution, and disbanding of the Woman’s Army Corp 
in the &#39;70s, has moving military women into a closer working/living proximity 
to their male counterparts resulted in more, or less instances of sexual 
assault statistically? This, despite all the mandatory training to the contrary, 
designed to curtail it; will putting women into the combat arms 
improve these statistics, or just the opposite?<br /><br />

The previous Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps was allegedly prepared to “fall on his 
sword” over this issue, in order to save his Women Marines the 
indignity of serving as Infantry (MOS 0311). That is what I would call 
”moral courage” on behalf of, and in the best interests of his people. One wonders if that was a factor in his having been replaced. The mission of the US Army’s Infantry is identical, 
namely to close with and engage the enemy directly, and in hand to hand combat as 
necessary. <br /><br />Is putting our women in direct combat really an accomplishment 
to be applauded in a State of the Union address, is it truly an act of women’s 
”liberation,” and equal opportunity? Or, is it the ultimate act of disrespect, 
in effect devaluing our mothers, sisters and daughters, 
bringing them &quot;down,&quot; for all intents and purposes, to our level?! 

 I thought we were better than that as a culture, alas no more.<br /><br />Of course, this may be intentional, as there are those on the extreme left side of the political spectrum that may intend for this scenario to sap the will to fight, from the American citizenry, as the see their sisters, daughters, wives, and mothers come back “closed casket” with “members missing” stamped on the top. At that point the public may just be willing to accept “peace at any price.”<br /><br />What else are we trying to prove with this policy in the end? 
That we can tolerate women being killed and maimed with impunity
, along side our men (why, it&#39;s just like in the video games, right?). Is this really a “progressive” sign for our society/civilization? 
Haven&#39;t we already seen enough of that with OIF/OEF? It is as if it’s not bad enough that we have more than enough men suffering that fate, that we must
 continue getting “used to” or “desensitized” to seeing our women as double, triple, or 
quadruple amputees in our veteran&#39;s parades. No disrespect intended, but that certainly sounds fair 
to me (or fair at least in the eyes of the policy makers). Obviously there is no sacrifice too great for equal opportunity, in this case. 

<br /><br />When we honor these aforementioned heroic female veterans (one has only to see such a 
self sacrificial sister once, as it makes a lasting impression), is it merely the fault of the terrorist, or should the so-called &quot;women&#39;s movement&quot; 
be willing to accept part of the blame, having put her there in that position, in the first place. <br /><br />In conclusion, the issue is not “could she,” but “should she!” Does “she” really “need” to be there? Or is this merely, as I would contend, the ultimate act of 
Political Correctness, to the inevitable detriment of our sisters in uniform. 
Obviously the “needs of the Army” are not relevant to the argument. After all, where is the “honor” in it, by the way? <br /><br />The different scoring of the Army Physical Fitness Test based on sex, must come to an end, or it belies the justification of common standards, whether in Ranger School, or in the Combat Arms, as being just as arbitrary and subjective as the hygienic “crew cut” for males only. Of course if there is no deference to our women in the military, then as the military reflects the values and morays of the society it is meant to serve, it truly portends the final death of chivalry, 
at least in the US Army! <br /><br />But, what are the unintended consequences potentially, to the greater society and culture? With no concept of chivalry, can there correspondingly be the so-called “gentleman” any longer?! Will there be a man willing to step in, and confront another, engaging in sexual harassment or assault, in defense of a woman? Or will it be every man/woman for themselves? As if we are not narcissistic enough now, as a people, we may actually be regressing as a society when men loose their sympathy/empathy for the suffering of women (seemingly, a popular theme in Hollywood these days). <br /><br />So, if the “Band of Brothers” era is truly at an end in the combat arms, I fear the consequences whether intended or not, will be more dire than the “policy makers” or those in positions to implement these changes, could possibly realize.<br /><br /><br />Opinion humbly submitted,<br /><br />SFC Ernest Hoppe<br />Okinawa, Japan Sat, 28 Mar 2015 03:12:03 -0400 Why should women be excluded from professional "contact" sports, and yet be considered for the profession of "combat arms?" https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Women in Combat Arms/Contact Sports; Serious Questions For Army Leadership:<br /> 02 February, 2015<br /><br />

As Super Bowl, XLIX settles into the record books, what contemporary lessons might be applicable to those in leadership within the combat arms branches, and for the Infantry specifically to reflect on, in the highly politicized and fiscally constrained atmosphere that the U.S. Army finds itself in today. I first pondered the pending sociological/physiological dilemma for the Infantry Branch while reading an article in the Army Times two years ago (HEADLINE: “The New Rules On Women In Combat” 04 Feb. 2013). <br /><br />Of course, as a former 
Infantryman (MOS 11B), the front page caught my attention, as I’m 
sure it was meant to. This article came out not long after the former Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, made his “infinitely wise” and timely (on his way out) decision to open up “all” combat positions to women, across the entirety of the U.S. Armed Forces. This proclamation was imposed on those in the highest positions of leadership, whether the civilian armed service secretaries, the Joint Chiefs, or down to my fellow rank and file NCOs. We were to implement this new policy, or come up with reasons why it could not be done feasibly, by FY 2016.<br /><br />The question I pose here is whether professional sports have any bearing on this issue? For those who have served in the Armed Forces, the comparisons between the profession of arms and professional sports are obvious. The soldier/marine, and or “special operator” must keep him or herself in a high state of physical readiness, and at all times, for when the proverbial “balloon goes up.” However in professional sports, there is one glaring difference. Men and women’s events are gender exclusive! <br /><br />No sport makes this as obvious as professional football. We might have a Women’s National Basketball Association, and all female semi-pro softball, or pro-soccer, but a female football team (despite ill fated attempts) seems to be all but laughable, conjuring up misogynist scenes of cheerleaders in lingerie and shoulder pads. But American Football, that’s serious business, that’s a “man’s sport!”<br /> <br />I then thought to myself, why do we now, not 
take the defense of this country (as it relates to the “Combat 
Arms”), as “serious” as we do professional football?! Why is it 
permissible, and even reasonable to exclude women from one 
institution and not from another? Is it merely tradition, unfounded discrimination, 
the “physicality” of so-called “contact” sports, pure unmitigated sexism, or just a lost sense of perspective or proportion? <br /><br />Should the “combat arms” be considered a “contact sport” after all?” This, not just due to the prospect of “closing” with the enemy hand to hand, but even in garrison, now more than ever, as mixed martial arts (MMA) are the current template for combatives training! Even the Octagon has yet to sink so low as to allow coed MMA (it’s coming though, to be sure, if only for the shock factor, and profit motive)<br /><br />Women serving in our armed forces are also serious business. Like their “brothers in arms,” they must keep themselves physically fit, and train regularly as athletes, ready for the physical demands potentially placed upon them, when deployed into a combat zone. However, the difference is that they will be faced with a predominantly male enemy! <br /><br />Why are professional women in sports given a special dispensation, in deference to their differing physiology, so as not to be confronted with male opponents? Our “sisters in arms” are not to be shown similar consideration? Is it a class distinction, or outright sexism that makes provision in the public consciousness, and the public space, for such a glaring difference between the high society of “proper” professional female athletes, and women in the military, soon to be faced with the prospects of direct combat, serving in the Infantry or the other combat arms (Armor, and Artillery) <br /><br />
The policy makers are quite serious about pushing “willing” women into these rolls. The two most recent and obvious examples/experiments, evidently designed to sanction, if not validate this concept, was the recent class of the United States Marine Corps’ Infantry Officer’s Course (IOC), and now the premier combat arms professional development course in the U.S. Army, namely Ranger School (the first class with female students/observers now underway, at the time of this writing).<br /><br />They say common sense is not so common anymore. 
Perhaps everything we do or say now is based on political 
expediency. This is especially obvious as it is the
 politicians making these decisions (almost always, with no experience 
in the field), that we in positions of responsibility are expected 
to implement and enforce (despite what may be our personal opinions, and the better judgment of those with relevant 
experience). <br /><br />After all, we must by necessity, ask if this new policy strengthens, or even enhances our 
capabilities in a time of increasing threats, and instability across 
the globe. The obvious and unquestionable applicability and effectiveness of “Female Engagement Teams” aside, are we just returning to another perceived period of 
“peace-time mentality,” when we can afford to cut our defenses, and 
conduct social engineering experiments? Not if the actions of ISIL/ISIS have a say in the matter!<br /><br />As an Army health care professional and National Registry Emergency Medical Technician, and in 
this era of data and information saturation, I am compelled to ask, 
“where’s the science” in this decision? What studies have been 
conducted and where is the empirical data supporting the new 
policy? So far one experiment, the Marine’s IOC, has been telling. We have yet to see if the women in Ranger School will be so challenged, and fare as well. <br /><br />What Army leaders need to ask, at a minimum, is how this 
new policy is going to affect our sisters in the service, 
especially among the enlisted ranks. We hear from many in the 
officer ranks who believe that not being in the combat arms, and in a command billet, 
is a sort of “glass ceiling,” an impediment to their advancement. 
In reality, promotion rates for women in the military are now in fact, comparable if not better than their male counterparts.<br /><br />However, it will be the (up to now, mostly voiceless) women in 
the enlisted ranks that will endure the greater burdens, the new 
levels of austerity, lack of hygiene, or privacy as required at the 
small unit (Platoon/Squad/Section/Fire Team) level, in the field. Those individuals potentially faced with this prospect, who 
have spoken out in opposition, such as Gunnery Sergeant Jessie Duff, 
have been for the most part, ignored. 

<br /><br />The US Army’s Physical Training manual, (FM 21-20, 1992 Edition) 
had an appendix in the back describing the “physiological 
differences” between male and female soldiers. It was to be used 
as a leader’s guide to effectively plan physical training, manage expectations and maximize outcomes. 
It were these very differences between males and females that we were told, 
 justified the different scoring standards for male and female soldiers 
respectively, on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). <br /><br />“Appendix A,” went into detail describing biological and
 physiological factors for female soldiers such as, their average smaller 
frame size having an effect on workload capacity, fat distribution and 
accumulation points anatomically, resulting in what amounts to greater
 drag to weight ratios. Bones being less dense (an added musculoskeletal 
injury factor for women on active “jump status” for example), wider pelvic 
structure, smaller heart size and lung capacity, limiting overall physical efficiency 
and endurance, relative to training. There were circulation issues, response
 to heat, and pregnancy considerations as well. Women having up to 50% 
less total muscle mass by weight, are thus limited to at best, 80% of
 overall strength conditioning potential as compared with their male coleagues. <br /><br />To quote the 
manual, “men usually have an advantage in strength, speed and power 
over women.” These facts were not meant to in any way disparage women
 soldiers but rather to allow for realistic &quot;train the trainer&quot; goals and objectives (will our potential enemies “play fair,” and only allow their women to fight ours?). 

<br /><br />What the manual does not mention however, as a concern in combat, 
is that with up to a liter, less total blood volume, and coupled with an elevated 
heart rate, a seriously injured woman would also be at risk of bleeding 
out faster on the battlefield. Knowing this, and the unavoidably inherent
 protective instinct that “real” men are supposed to have for women 
(that is, if we are still teaching that to our boys anymore, as they punch, kick and hack away at female video game opponents), might be a 
determining factor in whether or not, you give life saving aid to her, or your mission 
essential patrol leader, likewise injured (then again, I suppose we&#39;ll 
just have to suppress that instinct). It might surprise you to 
know (or not) that this appendix has since been omitted, 
and no longer appears in the most recent version (TC-22.20, Aug 2010).<br /><br />

Regardless of whether or not a woman could do the job, the question 
is, should she have to? This does sound cold and callous, but facts are 
facts. These are hard economic times, especially on the DOD. Given the pending budget limitations for finite training 
dollars, one might also logically ask, why spend that same training dollar and get a less 
efficient “product” for the combat arms? If we were talking about 
professional football, these factors, even choosing among the male &quot;players,&quot; would be obvious. 
Army leaders have much tougher decisions to make than football team owners/managers; 
because lives are literally &quot;on the line.&quot; For instance, ball players are not expected 
to pull each other off the field when injured (much less with the 
heavier equipment, and body armor of a soldier, I might add). What should be 
obvious is that these factors ought to be all the more 
significant, in the combat arms. 
<br /><br />
Some might argue that physical strength is no longer a factor 
because we are riding around into combat now, in up-armored 
vehicles. That does not preclude a future (or present) conflict from not being fought 
that way exclusively, if at all. And, in the all too often absence of rotor
-wing support, ground combat as in times past, would require extremely 
long distance foot movements, “forced marches” if you will (with no 
time to “pop a squat”), slogging through some jungle hell somewhere, or 
in the frigid mountains (as in Afghanistan today) for days if not weeks at a 
time, with little to no rest, privacy or personal hygiene. <br /><br />

Since when has being in the combat arms become a “right” all of a sudden? There are many physical standards which might prevent one from being in the military, much less the combat arms. These standards typically include, but are not limited to, visual acuity, height, weight, and physical disability. These standards may be “discriminatory” by definition, but they are not prejudiced in their motivation or intention. To serve in any particular branch of the Army is not based on “rights,” but rather on the “needs of the Army,” and that in this case, most dramatically!<br /><br />At the end of the cold war, there was a common misperception of 
future wars being fought “at the push of a button.” Well, war has a 
funny way of being unpredictable, as to where, when, how, and the 
conditions and resourses one might expect to have once there. Is anyone at the highest levels of Army leadership being proactive enough 
about this policy to ask what the second and third order of effects 
might be, the unintended consequences, or the ripple effect into 
the greater American society?

 The politicians aren’t going to ask the hard questions; that is our responsibility as Army leaders.<br /><br />Another consideration is the classic “two theaters of operations simultaneously” conflict scenario, or a “super power” conflagration that has justified the continued 
registration for the draft. This is now the proverbial “elephant in 
the room!” A conflict of this magnitude has always theoretically 
required a rapid expansion of “man power” to meet the threat. It 
would also require the bulk of personnel resources (at least 
initially), be channeled into the combat arms. Will this remain a 
“freedom of choice” issue for women only (reference the, “They should be allowed to, if they ‘want’ to,” egalitarian argument)? Would that not be a 
sexist policy by design? And, If they’re going to start registering our 
daughters for the draft, out of “fairness,” the public ought to demand that it had better not be, before every congressman’s son, and 
every professional ball playing athlete/entertainer, is a part of the “big 
green machine!” 

<br /><br />As an anthropological issue, how does this affect our young men in the American society/culture at large? Around the world most indigenous cultures have 
initiation rights (or &quot;rights of passage&quot;) into “manhood.” The only 
one still left (besides football and the Infantry) in the U.S. apparently, for young men (that sets them apart, as anything
 different or special), is registration for the draft. As we continue to 
devalue any special contribution that men in general, and young 
men in particular can make in today’s society, as men; should
 we be surprised with a corresponding rise in the numbers of young 
urban males looking for “manhood” in a youth gang?!<br /><br />

I couldn’t help but find it ironic that in the President’s 2013 State of 
the Union message, after having just touted the merits of having 
previously passed the “Violence Against Women Act,” that mere minutes later he 
virtually said that it was time our women faced “combat!” That is 
to say, it’s time we pushed our women out in front, and closer to the 
enemy (not his daughters of course), granting them in the process, 
the greater likelihood, or “equal opportunity” one could say, of being 
captured as well! One might ask Jessica Lynch about her 
experiences, and whether or not that should be considered “violence 
against women!” Although supportive of this dubious agenda, BG Rhonda Cornum, 
is usually rather “close hold,” and even dismissive, about her 
similar experiences in captivity. <br /><br />Can we really justify this added 
specter of trauma that future female combatants would have to 
endure? And would their suffering at the hand of their captors (torture being back in vogue, these days) 
place unnecessary pressure on their fellow male prisoners “to talk,” 
thus inviting the added potential for mission compromise! Oh, and by the way, they won’t be using the GITMO or CIA Interrogation handbooks; they’ll do it the “old fashioned” way, where you may not come out intact, physically or mentally, if at all. <br /><br />The Israelis discovered that during their 1948 War for Independence, that Arab units facing co-ed IDF units, were incited to greater “acts of valor!” As it turned out, they fought harder as if being insulted, and trying to save face. Thus they had given their enemy an unintended boost to their fighting morale! The IDF has been reluctant to put their “women in combat,” ever since. I guess it’s a good thing we’re winding down in the A-stan. We shouldn’t have to face another enemy in the Islamic world any time soon, right?<br /><br />

There are seemingly few issues upon which military leaders place 
emphasis and priority on today, as is the prevention of sexual assault. 
It begs the question that since the dissolution, and disbanding of the Woman’s Army Corp 
in the &#39;70s, has moving military women into a closer working/living proximity 
to their male counterparts resulted in more, or less instances of sexual 
assault statistically? This, despite all the mandatory training to the contrary, 
designed to curtail it; will putting women into the combat arms 
improve these statistics, or just the opposite?<br /><br />

The previous Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps was allegedly prepared to “fall on his 
sword” over this issue, in order to save his Women Marines the 
indignity of serving as Infantry (MOS 0311). That is what I would call 
”moral courage” on behalf of, and in the best interests of his people. One wonders if that was a factor in his having been replaced. The mission of the US Army’s Infantry is identical, 
namely to close with and engage the enemy directly, and in hand to hand combat as 
necessary. <br /><br />Is putting our women in direct combat really an accomplishment 
to be applauded in a State of the Union address, is it truly an act of women’s 
”liberation,” and equal opportunity? Or, is it the ultimate act of disrespect, 
in effect devaluing our mothers, sisters and daughters, 
bringing them &quot;down,&quot; for all intents and purposes, to our level?! 

 I thought we were better than that as a culture, alas no more.<br /><br />Of course, this may be intentional, as there are those on the extreme left side of the political spectrum that may intend for this scenario to sap the will to fight, from the American citizenry, as the see their sisters, daughters, wives, and mothers come back “closed casket” with “members missing” stamped on the top. At that point the public may just be willing to accept “peace at any price.”<br /><br />What else are we trying to prove with this policy in the end? 
That we can tolerate women being killed and maimed with impunity
, along side our men (why, it&#39;s just like in the video games, right?). Is this really a “progressive” sign for our society/civilization? 
Haven&#39;t we already seen enough of that with OIF/OEF? It is as if it’s not bad enough that we have more than enough men suffering that fate, that we must
 continue getting “used to” or “desensitized” to seeing our women as double, triple, or 
quadruple amputees in our veteran&#39;s parades. No disrespect intended, but that certainly sounds fair 
to me (or fair at least in the eyes of the policy makers). Obviously there is no sacrifice too great for equal opportunity, in this case. 

<br /><br />When we honor these aforementioned heroic female veterans (one has only to see such a 
self sacrificial sister once, as it makes a lasting impression), is it merely the fault of the terrorist, or should the so-called &quot;women&#39;s movement&quot; 
be willing to accept part of the blame, having put her there in that position, in the first place. <br /><br />In conclusion, the issue is not “could she,” but “should she!” Does “she” really “need” to be there? Or is this merely, as I would contend, the ultimate act of 
Political Correctness, to the inevitable detriment of our sisters in uniform. 
Obviously the “needs of the Army” are not relevant to the argument. After all, where is the “honor” in it, by the way? <br /><br />The different scoring of the Army Physical Fitness Test based on sex, must come to an end, or it belies the justification of common standards, whether in Ranger School, or in the Combat Arms, as being just as arbitrary and subjective as the hygienic “crew cut” for males only. Of course if there is no deference to our women in the military, then as the military reflects the values and morays of the society it is meant to serve, it truly portends the final death of chivalry, 
at least in the US Army! <br /><br />But, what are the unintended consequences potentially, to the greater society and culture? With no concept of chivalry, can there correspondingly be the so-called “gentleman” any longer?! Will there be a man willing to step in, and confront another, engaging in sexual harassment or assault, in defense of a woman? Or will it be every man/woman for themselves? As if we are not narcissistic enough now, as a people, we may actually be regressing as a society when men loose their sympathy/empathy for the suffering of women (seemingly, a popular theme in Hollywood these days). <br /><br />So, if the “Band of Brothers” era is truly at an end in the combat arms, I fear the consequences whether intended or not, will be more dire than the “policy makers” or those in positions to implement these changes, could possibly realize.<br /><br /><br />Opinion humbly submitted,<br /><br />SFC Ernest Hoppe<br />Okinawa, Japan SFC Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 28 Mar 2015 03:12:03 -0400 2015-03-28T03:12:03-04:00 Response by SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA made Mar 28 at 2015 6:46 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=558860&urlhash=558860 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="413683" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/413683-11b-infantryman">SFC Private RallyPoint Member</a>, I actually read your entire question, and I agree with you. SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA Sat, 28 Mar 2015 18:46:07 -0400 2015-03-28T18:46:07-04:00 Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 28 at 2015 11:40 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=559186&urlhash=559186 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="413683" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/413683-11b-infantryman">SFC Private RallyPoint Member</a> While you are obviously correct in your observation that the very best male athletes will always be physically superior to elite female athletes (in the realm of competitive sports, of course), I have a difficult time with your argument that the prototypical Infantryman is in any way comparable to a NFL athlete. If you are talking about Green Berets or Rangers, perhaps. Otherwise, I would like to know what Army you are in. What is your 40 time? Would you even be physically capable of NCAA Division 1 college football? (If so, you KNOW you are an extreme outlier.) Could you even beat an elite Cross Fit female in a WOD? I have seen FAR too many terribly unimpressive (athletically) Infantrymen to take this argument seriously. CPT Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 28 Mar 2015 23:40:31 -0400 2015-03-28T23:40:31-04:00 Response by CSM Michael J. Uhlig made Mar 28 at 2015 11:51 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=559205&urlhash=559205 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It is typical that our military is ahead of everyone else in the civilian sector. The opening of jobs to female Soldiers is an example for the civilian businesses that there is value in having a woman in key critical positions, including leadership positions. Professional sports are much different than the culture of respect and equality within our military.<br /><br /><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="413683" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/413683-11b-infantryman">SFC Private RallyPoint Member</a>, your post was well laid out and well thought through. CSM Michael J. Uhlig Sat, 28 Mar 2015 23:51:27 -0400 2015-03-28T23:51:27-04:00 Response by SFC Mark Merino made Mar 29 at 2015 12:06 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=559225&urlhash=559225 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-31412"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhy-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Why+should+women+be+excluded+from+professional+%22contact%22+sports%2C+and+yet+be+considered+for+the+profession+of+%22combat+arms%3F%22&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhy-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhy should women be excluded from professional &quot;contact&quot; sports, and yet be considered for the profession of &quot;combat arms?&quot;%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="f169be082161dd9469379fbafed2cee1" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/031/412/for_gallery_v2/1_1.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/031/412/large_v3/1_1.jpg" alt="1 1" /></a></div></div>I&#39;ve been CHECKED into the boards by female hockey players! I&#39;m not a Flyer&#39;s alum by any means, but if Rob Lowe can be a hockey star, I know plenty of women who could turn pretty boy into a popsicle. Give it time (and a few multi-million dollar discrimination lawsuits), and prepare for glory. SFC Mark Merino Sun, 29 Mar 2015 00:06:09 -0400 2015-03-29T00:06:09-04:00 Response by SGT Jason Anderson made Mar 29 at 2015 12:56 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=559294&urlhash=559294 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I stopped reading your book after the first chapter. <br /><br />Combat arms can be compared to football when the quarterback can fire the ball towards the end-zone with a MK19 from the confines of his MRAP...<br /><br />There is more going on in the military than just hitting each other for a few yards. And woman can and have proven that they can do those positions. SGT Jason Anderson Sun, 29 Mar 2015 00:56:51 -0400 2015-03-29T00:56:51-04:00 Response by SSG Harper Peterson made Mar 29 at 2015 1:47 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=559337&urlhash=559337 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Society as a whole believes women to be equal to men. However they are not ready to see women bleeding on a football field, or on CNN while reporting on a far away conflict. At that point they are our little girls and the guys should be taken care of them. That...is why. SSG Harper Peterson Sun, 29 Mar 2015 01:47:50 -0400 2015-03-29T01:47:50-04:00 Response by COL Charles Williams made Mar 29 at 2015 3:05 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=559389&urlhash=559389 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That is the longest post ever... Or at least that I have seen here. Two things.<br /><br />1. What women can do in the Army is a topical issue... <br /><br />2. As far as sports, I have the same feeling as I do on women combat arms, Ranger School, SEALS etc... &quot;If you can make it a the single (current male only) standard, then have at it.I can&#39;t ever see larger numbers of women in the NHL, NFL, MLB, or NBA... COL Charles Williams Sun, 29 Mar 2015 03:05:24 -0400 2015-03-29T03:05:24-04:00 Response by SSG Leonard Johnson made Mar 29 at 2015 2:39 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=560019&urlhash=560019 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>hahahahahaha.....you know.....that is one hell of a good point brotha SSG Leonard Johnson Sun, 29 Mar 2015 14:39:21 -0400 2015-03-29T14:39:21-04:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 29 at 2015 6:03 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=560292&urlhash=560292 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This is a complex issue so I have complex thoughts on it. When it comes to women in the military I tend to have a very libertarian viewpoint. Good standards should be set that adequately equate to the job/issue at hand. If a female can meet the standards set forward for an infantryman then I would have no issue with her on my fire team. <br /><br />I'd also take it further and remove all sex based standards and instead move to a unified MOS based standard. If that standard happens to preclude women or at the very least put a disproportionate amount of strain on them due to their sexual dimorphic differences then so be it. War is not equal, and we should not be playing games acting like it is. Again, if this translates to fewer women meeting the standard and being qualified to wear the uniform then so be it. Let the ones that make the grade serve, but those that can't cut it shouldn't be carried by political correctness. SGT Private RallyPoint Member Sun, 29 Mar 2015 18:03:47 -0400 2015-03-29T18:03:47-04:00 Response by TSgt Tim (lj) Littlejohn made Mar 30 at 2015 12:15 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=561470&urlhash=561470 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Men are naturally ingrained to watch out for girls,women. That being said, if they can cut the mustered they should be able to do anything they desire. As for blood on the football or battle fields, if the media can't do their jobs without the gore get the hell out of the business!!!! TSgt Tim (lj) Littlejohn Mon, 30 Mar 2015 12:15:15 -0400 2015-03-30T12:15:15-04:00 Response by LCDR Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 2 at 2015 7:59 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=567242&urlhash=567242 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Because Contact sports are a business and they don't have to be PC. LCDR Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 02 Apr 2015 07:59:02 -0400 2015-04-02T07:59:02-04:00 Response by CW3 Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 1 at 2015 7:43 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=711962&urlhash=711962 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>One such lesson is that professional sports teams have nothing to do with the nation's military. CW3 Private RallyPoint Member Mon, 01 Jun 2015 07:43:51 -0400 2015-06-01T07:43:51-04:00 Response by PO3 Jordan Davis made Jun 12 at 2015 11:14 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=745127&urlhash=745127 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You may have just changed my position on this matter. Well thought out and meticulous article. Bravo! PO3 Jordan Davis Fri, 12 Jun 2015 23:14:37 -0400 2015-06-12T23:14:37-04:00 Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 26 at 2015 1:30 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=1067000&urlhash=1067000 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The appropriate counterpoint to yours: let the best qualified Soldier have the job. The best teams in the world are built through selective competition. Lowering the standards would have an adverse effect on the readiness of our military and of our combat arms. So, set the minimum physical standard based on the requirements of the job. Set the qualifying physical bar (higher than the minimum standard) wherever the quantity of qualified personnel meets the needs of the service. Then let service men and women compete for those positions. The "and women" part of that last statement is all that is necessary to "allow" women into combat arms. If no women make it, that's ok. If some do, then they are more qualified and deserve the positions more than the men who ranked below them. Thus, the service in question can only benefit from the change. In any EO or human rights type of discussion about any class, ethnicity, or gender, I believe the same litmus test should apply. The behavioral issues will be sorted in time by the leadership in our services and the cultural progression of our society.<br /><br />So far as I know, the NFL does not allow women. If they did, the manning strategy should be the same. The woman who has both the physical traits and football experience -- how many women actually played enough football growing up? -- to be competitive in the NFL would be exceptionally rare, or perhaps nonexistent, indeed. Nevertheless, if a Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, or equivalent could be found, then the NFL team starting the worst player in the league would be stupid not to replace them with this person, regardless of the person's gender.<br /><br />Set the bar and let people compete. May the best Soldier win! LTC Private RallyPoint Member Mon, 26 Oct 2015 13:30:54 -0400 2015-10-26T13:30:54-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 14 at 2016 10:01 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=1455156&urlhash=1455156 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Epilogue: Well, as predicted it's happening. Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh stated from the podium of the most recent AUSA conference, that the registration of women for the draft is coming, and to basically get used to the idea. SFC Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 14 Apr 2016 22:01:43 -0400 2016-04-14T22:01:43-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 14 at 2016 10:07 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=1455176&urlhash=1455176 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>LCpl Leo Morrissey 10 months<br />Professional men and women athletes do not compete in golf, running, jumping, swimming, tennis let alone contact sport boxing, football, etc. Combat is the ultimate contact sport kill or be killed, bullet, bomb, bayonet, bare hands whatever it takes to kill or be killed. Training or an obstacle course is not combat the bottom line is kill or be killed. Are people so stupid to believe that the physical and mental demands of combat are less than sport? In sport it is recognized men and women are different why is this being forced on the military like so many other radical agenda's? Somebody watches too many Hollywood movies.<br /><br />Well said LCpl Morrissey (copy/pasted from another relevant discussion) SFC Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 14 Apr 2016 22:07:59 -0400 2016-04-14T22:07:59-04:00 Response by Cpl Brad MarkW made Apr 26 at 2016 8:47 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=1479278&urlhash=1479278 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>TLDR - the short answer to your question (not your three page explanation) is that in professional sports, it's all about winning. In the military, winning is secondary to political goals. One is about money, the other is about being socially progressive. Cpl Brad MarkW Tue, 26 Apr 2016 08:47:59 -0400 2016-04-26T08:47:59-04:00 Response by CWO2 Shelby DuBois made Apr 26 at 2016 10:27 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=1479587&urlhash=1479587 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It's all fun and games now... body bags vs 30 day disabled list will change the debate. CWO2 Shelby DuBois Tue, 26 Apr 2016 10:27:47 -0400 2016-04-26T10:27:47-04:00 Response by MSgt Michael Smith made May 26 at 2016 7:30 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=1563147&urlhash=1563147 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Great question! Why indeed? MSgt Michael Smith Thu, 26 May 2016 07:30:37 -0400 2016-05-26T07:30:37-04:00 Response by SPC Christopher Perrien made Aug 14 at 2016 11:33 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=1805110&urlhash=1805110 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Welcome to liberal logic in America. Really it has nothing to do with women in combat , but solely seeking votes from some "female", gay-right, limousine liberal voters , today. Wait till tomorrow when eventually the Selective Service Act will be enforced on females. This ball will be dropped like a hot potato, and all these supporters will be seeking draft deferments for their family members. SPC Christopher Perrien Sun, 14 Aug 2016 11:33:35 -0400 2016-08-14T11:33:35-04:00 Response by SGM Mikel Dawson made Aug 14 at 2016 11:49 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=1805140&urlhash=1805140 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="413683" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/413683-11b-infantryman">SFC Private RallyPoint Member</a> , longest post I've ever read here, and yet it was laid out very well. One thing that shocked me a bit is the two down votes you got. You never took sides, you just laid it all out. I can only say it is what it is. I've often wonder it myself why we got so many split gender sports when why not compete as people.. <br />But then I think back when I was a professional guide, packing mules. One time I got sent out with a gal who wanted to be a packer. None of the guys wanted to pack with her as she was small and couldn't handle the weights sometimes. The time I went packing with her, we had 80lb bags of hay cubes and 100lbs bags of corn to wrap and load. She could prepare the loads, but she couldn't tie them on, so I had to do her job as well. Physically she couldn't do it. Yet there were some gal packers working with other outfitters around. I don't know if this means any thing but some can, and come can't. This goes for both men and women. SGM Mikel Dawson Sun, 14 Aug 2016 11:49:03 -0400 2016-08-14T11:49:03-04:00 Response by LTC John Wilson made Jun 28 at 2017 12:10 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=2685076&urlhash=2685076 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sgt Hoppe, I salute you for your article on women in the armed forces. It is supported by facts and makes sense. However, it seems to be a major problem for female senators or congress women. They are safe in an elected seat for our government and yet throw their sisters to the wolves. I served 33 years in the military and never wanted to see females facing off with a determined enemy in hand to hand combat. I believe that this policy needs to be reviewed again and women should be stopped from joining any combat roles. <br /><br />As a Great Grand father, Grand Father, Father and Husband, I definitely don&#39;t want any of my girls in combat units at anytime in the future. However, Congress has legislated this upon our armed forces.<br />When the balloon goes up how many women will be able to fill the ranks and be adequately trained to face all conditions you mentioned. I fear NONE! Our active duty and reserve supply of infantry troops will be dried up and placing women as replacements will weaken the cohesion and actual strength of the fighting force. Alas, but we are experienced combat soldiers who have faced death and seen the carnage of war. The Chairborne experts in Congress think they know better and have labeled this service a right instead of a sacrifice. LTC John Wilson Wed, 28 Jun 2017 12:10:10 -0400 2017-06-28T12:10:10-04:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 16 at 2017 1:19 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=3096689&urlhash=3096689 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Very well laid out question. My issue is I feel while many points are accurate, the logic is flawed. <br /><br />1. No professional sport in the US has a men only rule. There have been females who have tried out for every sport including the NFL. These women were not rejected for their gender but for their ability. If a female was able to play as a runningback take the hits and perform on part she can be drafted. Furthermore women have tried out for teams and been cut. The important point is based on capability not gender. <br /><br />To separate a female from serving in combat arms based on gender without evaluating her ability is wrong. <br /><br />2. Segregation based on male bravado or &quot;instinct&quot; is again wrong. This is an area that the male soldier has to overcome not the female. Professional players show concern for their comrades on their &quot;battlefield&quot; just like in the military. The difference is their combat support staff simply doesn&#39;t wear the team uniform.<br /><br />3. Forced conscription. Opening up combat arms to females does not mean that every female is going to want to join the infantry. Especially in the Army individuals choose their career. Once a career is chosen the individual male or female has to meet the standard. If they can&#39;t they don&#39;t get the job. The Army introduced the occupational physical fitness test to ensure candidates meet the minimum physical requirement to begin training for an MOS. This means even if a female chooses infantry, if she can&#39;t meet the standards to conduct the training she doesn&#39;t get to start. The standard is the same for both sexes.<br /><br />The Military has always been at the forefront of change. From segregation to sexual bias. It will be hard, people will complain. They will get over it, and the next issue will be played out. SFC Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 16 Nov 2017 13:19:14 -0500 2017-11-16T13:19:14-05:00 Response by SSgt Boyd Herrst made Feb 3 at 2018 8:34 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=3319266&urlhash=3319266 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Putting the onus on the leaders like that was a bit unfair. They should of had the option of saying “we need more time” and stating how much more they need. SSgt Boyd Herrst Sat, 03 Feb 2018 08:34:30 -0500 2018-02-03T08:34:30-05:00 Response by GySgt Charles O'Connell made Feb 3 at 2018 8:46 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=3319301&urlhash=3319301 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As far as professional sports in this climate of sameness, lets do away with &quot;mens&quot; sports and &quot;womens&quot; sports, and just have &quot;sports&quot;. You&#39;d not have many, if any, in Football, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer. No more LPGA, WPTA. No seperate categories in the Olympics. Yeah, I&#39;m all for it... GySgt Charles O'Connell Sat, 03 Feb 2018 08:46:59 -0500 2018-02-03T08:46:59-05:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made May 10 at 2019 2:02 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=4623405&urlhash=4623405 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Wow, great story. SGT Private RallyPoint Member Fri, 10 May 2019 14:02:56 -0400 2019-05-10T14:02:56-04:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 21 at 2020 12:44 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=5683531&urlhash=5683531 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I responded previously but thought this might be another hot button issue seeing the recent news of first Female Green Beret and related topics. So just wanted to say there is plenty of hard hitting athletes in the LFL, lol. SGT Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 21 Mar 2020 00:44:03 -0400 2020-03-21T00:44:03-04:00 Response by CPT William Jones made Jul 20 at 2020 2:39 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/why-should-women-be-excluded-from-professional-contact-sports-and-yet-be-considered-for-the-profession-of-combat-arms?n=6118737&urlhash=6118737 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>About the only thing can be said about that is Pro sports is a private business And the Military&#39;s is a government operation and all the elected officials have to keep their voters happy to get reelected and combat arms and no women they were even Barred made it political. And they(Politicians) really only care what the polls say about them getting reelected. Somebody else has to figure out how to make it work and what happens is also good for stirring up voters. CPT William Jones Mon, 20 Jul 2020 02:39:47 -0400 2020-07-20T02:39:47-04:00 2015-03-28T03:12:03-04:00