Posted on Aug 28, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
UPDATE: Ilene Morris the founder of Virtual Worlds is now a Civilian Supporter on RP. You can connect with her directly and get more information on this great Pilot Program through the message portal.



Here is a link to here Newsletter:

I'm very excited about this post RP Members - Please forward this onto others Members by tagging them in your response, so we get the word out to everyone!

Would you be interested in joining several Pilot Programs that take place in 3D interactive, immersive virtual world environments? Looking (5) Active Duty Families, (5) Veterans with PTSD, and Military Spouses to help?

UPDATE: They are looking for veterans that want to be mentors and trainers in the Pilot Program

I received this gracious email request from a great American and wonderful organization. Please read the letter I received below and what this great American is putting together for military service members and veterans.

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Email directly: [login to see] (or) [login to see]
(or) Call - [login to see]

Again RP Members we are looking for:

‪1. 3 - 5 Active Duty families that will participate in our Residential Community Virtual environment. Here, the Active Duty Spouse can meet with his/her family at predetermined times to spend consistent, quality time with their families. Utilizing "in-world" virtual media computers, they can help their children with homework, take them to an amusement park to go on rides, celebrate birthdays and holidays with family and friends, all without physically moving. We feel very strongly that consistent family interaction in an immersive, interactive virtual environment will decrease PTSD.

‪2. 3 - 5 Veterans with PTSD to have access to supportive Community services to demonstrate how the services work and produce evidence of the associated benefits.

‪3. Military spouses are needed for volunteer work to start, which will result in subcontractor paid work within a few months. We mainly need administrative help.

‪Dear Colonel,

‪Sponsor A Vet Life (SAVL), is on a Mission to roll out a proven solution for many of the challenges Active Duty, Disabled Veterans, Veterans and their families experience.

‪Sponsor A Vet Life Mission is to provide full collaboration Communities utilizing virtual reality tools to help stop the 22 Veteran PTSD suicides per day. All communications occur in 3D interactive, immersive virtual environments. We've successfully used these tools in the past to save lives and will continue to save more veterans with your help.

‪SAVL collaborates with seasoned professionals in various fields that fill the void in today's veteran services. We have over 100 Senior Business Management Consultants, all with over 20 years experience that have joined our team as mentors to help guide transitioning veterans through opportunities and solutions. There is no fee for the veteran to receive services. Sponsorship monthly license fees are paid by corporations with veteran hiring initiatives, individuals, and donations from our equine/canine nonprofit therapy training groups.

‪Example of Benefits:
‪- Telehealth Therapists - every state, PTSD experience
‪preferred, Veterans choose the therapist they feel the most
‪comfortable working with, not the other way around.
‪- Veteran nonprofits - SAVL helps increase their funding
‪- Workshop Providers - All related areas
‪- Virtual assistants - semi or retired individuals for computer and
‪"in-world" tech work
‪- eLearning trainers working in a virtual world
‪- Corporate sponsors with veteran hiring initiatives to be cloned
‪- Holistic treatments - therapists, meditation, yoga
‪- Recruitment firms located in our virtual world conduct interviews
‪as 3D persona veteran avatars simultaneously using a
‪- Vets4Vets Mentors
‪- Treatment Centers
‪- Sponsorship programs - training funds
‪- Virtual Life Coach
‪- Therapy dogs and horses that were rescued from abandonment
‪or abuse

‪SAVL has urgent concerns regarding if previously diagnosed disabled veterans know they have PTSD and are aware how this condition can negatively impact their lives. We have even greater concerns identifying how many physically disabled veterans are included in the 22 veteran PTSD suicides per day.

‪SAVL collaborates with a Foundation (Global PTSI Foundation), that provides a biomedical treatment, tested with 2,000 veterans with PTSD over the past 6 years with 73% success, no after effect and immediate relief within 1 hour. We have been informed; VA will offer their treatment within a few months.

‪If this medical treatment is offered to disabled and paralyzed veterans who are not aware they have PTSD, (which we feel strongly most will as trauma is associated with disability), were given the opportunity to receive the treatment AND receive remote job training, Community 24/7 support and feel like they are living a "normal" social life in an immersive, interactive environment, we feel confident not only their quality of life would improve, but it would have a direct impact on decreasing veteran suicides.

‪Our main focus is to provide proven job training in a supportive virtual world Community by our Senior Business Management Consultants team, each possessing decades of experience in every industry imaginable. The training is accomplished remotely in the veteran's own comfortable home environment and will provide the confidence and business skills to work remotely for a Corporate Sponsor or we will train the veteran how to start their own business online. We also provide project work for veterans with PTSD to earn additional income while training if the veteran possess basic project skills requirements. For those that do not have the basic skills, we train. We have over 5 years successful experience with a similar process.

‪Severely injured veterans are able to navigate in our virtual platform with assistive technology. Completely paralyzed veterans are able to receive training for employment positions, eTherapy, mentoring, Community support 24/7 and Socializing, which for many is the first form of "normal" interactive socializing experienced in groups.

Paralyzed veterans feel the feelings of walking, running, dancing, driving a car, mountain climbing, swimming, playing sports, social activities and can enjoy all the advantages with former brother and sisters in arms, family and friends. Brothers and Sisters in Arms stay connected.

‪SAVL collaborates with veteran nonprofits to help increase donations by cloning their services to be accessed virtually, in-world.

‪Let us work together to help many disabled veterans that are almost totally isolated and have a very limited life.

‪We need to roll out our programs as soon as possible to help prevent more suicides. We need the following to participate in our Pilot Program:

‪1. 3 - 5 Active Duty families that will participate in our Residential Community Virtual environment. Here, the Active Duty Spouse can meet with his/her family at predetermined times to spend consistent, quality time with their families. Utilizing virtual media computers, they can help their children with homework, take them to an amusement park on go on rides, celebrate birthdays and holidays with family and friends, all without physically moving. We feel very strongly that consistent family interaction in an immersive, interactive virtual environment will decrease PTSD.

‪2. 3 - 5 Veterans with PTSD to have access to supportive Community services to demonstrate how the services work and the associated benefits.

‪3. Military spouses are needed for volunteer work to start, which will result in subcontractor paid work within a few months. We mainly need administrative help.

‪Please let me know if you'd like to see a live demo to experience what we know and have proven is a solution to decrease Veteran PTSD suicides, provide training and remote work for paralyzed veterans, and host a Community of services available 24/7 for support and encouragement for Active Duty, Veterans and their Families. No veteran will ever feel alone or isolated again.

‪The newsletter noted below will provide a clear understanding of the program potential with measurable results.

‪To learn more about our services, please join:
‪LinkedIn Group: Sponsor A Vet Life
‪Website (under construction)

‪Ilene Morris, Founder
‪Virtual World Solutions
‪D/B/A Sponsor A Vet Life
‪T - [login to see]
Posted in these groups: 78568930 PTSDWheelchair and flag Disabled Veterans
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 20
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
I actually participated in a PTS study, post retirement that involved 3D interactive simulation studying the stressors and effects of combat situations. This sounds more on the treatment/relief side of PTS. Though not suffering PTS, If it helps I would definitely give it a try or try to help others with the program. They always tell us to think outside the box so this seems like the medical community is trying to do just that.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca You could provide some valuable feedback to the program. Please connect with Ilene Morris the founder of Virtual Worlds. She is on RallyPoint now and I'm sure she would like to hear your feedback as well as recruit you for a trainer, coach, or mentor on her Pilot Program.
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
>1 y
Definitely Agree Sir! I am willing to participate and/or utilize my Education and Personal experiences to provide necessary services.., I have PTSD and MST. Went undiagnosed for 18 years due to lack of continuity of care within the VAMC.
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
>1 y
COL Burroughs, I am willing to do ‘whatever’ is needed... I have the diagnosis, I have MST, and I have two Masters Degrees with experience as in-home therapist with USMC. Let me know what you need, as I am available to assist!COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SPC Nancy Greene - Email me and let's set up a time to talk - [login to see]
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SFC John Durham
I would. I really need some help!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SFC John Durham Please submit your name and contact information to either one of the emails provided. Thank you
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
>1 y
That’s the First step SFC Hohn Durham! Congratulations, You Are on your way to obtaining services you need! Connect with me on RP until
Program is in place if you need immediate assistance! I am Here!
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SFC William Farrell
Thanks for sharing Colonel Burroughs, i will check it out. Forty three years later stuff still bothers me and I wasn't heavy combat but did witness crap no 18 year old should and I paid the price with my heavy drinking for years afterwards as I know many of today's veterans are doing. We all need help, certainly more than the government gave us after Vietnam. Oh, I forgot, we didn't get any help then!
Nicci Eisenhauer
Nicci Eisenhauer
>1 y
Sending you love and healing, Sir!
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
>1 y
IMHO, the Government did NOT do anything for Vietnam Vets for Way Too Long! You are Eligible and Entitled to ALL services You Need! Connect with me on RP if you want further immediate assistance! Nancy
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
>1 y
It took me 18 years to receive a proper diagnosis, no combat experience, definite MST and I am a retired Therapist. Still have issues and I see or talk to My therapist 3-4 times a month. Triggers are ALWAYS there, even with an entire‘tool box’ and good support system. Connect with me on RP if you want. NancySGT James Hastings
SPC Nancy Greene
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