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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Apr 30, 2021
SFC Moises Lozacruz
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Responses: 6
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SFC Moises Lozacruz "Seeking and receiving mental health treatment for the first time, or twentieth, or long-term should not ever be a negative outcome."
I think the treatment atmosphere has improved ... but still has a way to go.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
Sometimes there exists a lot of fear that you will lose your career. If you lose your career how will you finance your family? Many with severe PTSD will make stupid mistakes like a DUI or chasing the wife and family away. Unfortunately many people will crash hard before they become cognizant that PTSD is kicking their ass.
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - I lost at least one ex-wife due to my life experiences... but we did have two children now 37 & 35 years old. Thankfully I never was fired from my job, ever had a DUI, or worse yet killed someone when I was driving drunk. The Lord allowed me to retire at the age of 55 back in Jan. 2005. Pre-Covid I was going into prisons & jails and met lots of men who did hit that "bottom" & ended up in prison. I'm anxious to get back to what the pandemic robbed from me 14 months ago... & go in for updated training in two weeks.
SFC Moises Lozacruz
SFC Moises Lozacruz
3 y
SGT (Join to see) I agree, I think the military and VA have made great strides in the last decade alone, but more work to be done.
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SGM Erik Marquez
SFC Moises Lozacruz Thank you for your insightful post.
How do you approach or respond to your client when they express concern, their seeking treatment will be used against them now at a later time... "Sir you have sought mental health counseling, you're no longer allowed to _______fill in the blank, and that may be from a property manager, law enforcement, state or federal government agency, business or business partner, spouse, ex-spouse or another family member..Further, it may not be a "thing" today, but it's a bell you can't unring.. So getting counseling now can be used against you later.

How do you approach or respond to your client when they express concern that seeking treatment brings with it emotions of failure?
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
SGM Erik Marquez Getting help is in the best interest of you & your family. Working through your past is a day to day process... why not learn how to make it the best it can be. I've gone from not telling my wife for 3 years after I was diagnosed in the late 1990's. I'm now unashamed to share about it if the opportunity to help someone presents itself... something I never thought would happen. Life is too short to keep all those emotions pent up. My God put me here for a purpose... it's my privelege to Honor Him by fulfilling that purpose to the best of my ability. In doing that I do expose myself to the scenarios you described... that's ok... God will help us get through those periods.

MAJ Ken Landgren
CPT Edward Baker
CPT Edward Baker
3 y
There is nothing wrong with seeking help when you feel you need it. In fact it is better to seek help when its needed than to just let it go and build up till it destroys a life. Mental health records are sealed and unless it is a major issue it should have no impact on a persons future. I have lived with issues all my life and still had a great career. From my experience it is better to seek help and have that positive support to help you try to deal with it than not.
SFC Moises Lozacruz
SFC Moises Lozacruz
3 y
SGM Erik Marquez I try to be understanding and meet my clients "where they're at." It's been my experience that if a service member or veteran is seeking help for this first time, there is still doubt on whether it will actually help (their mental health), or hinder their career and other life domains. I do some limited self-disclosure on how the struggles of PTSD and substance use affected me and my career, my relationships, and where I think it could've been averted or at least made different. I can never promise a client that seeking mental health won't have any other effects I have no control of, but what I can do is that I will protect their confidentiality to the best of my ability, and within what the laws permit. I never add additional diagnosis that may hinder a clients' career unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, and I will explain why I'm diagnosis in such a way. As an example, if I see an active duty service member for couple's counseling, I won't be adding PTSD, depression, or other diagnosis that the person MAY have since that is not what I am treating. I usually will enter a generic diagnosis of "marital conflict" or "relationship distress with spouse or intimate partner." Those won't impact a person's PULHES, or jump status, or ability to handle weapons, etc. The other part I try to instill is that the military won't last forever, and not seeking help will have long-term consequences well beyond his/her military days if not addressed adequately and in a timely manner.
SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
SFC Moises Lozacruz - I think you handle it in a good way. When I first started counseling it was at a Vet Center... I didn't trust the V.A. or any government organization. My counselor was excellent & helped me immensely. Another thing I liked was he wasn't a big "note taker" so that provided me with a certain degree of "safety".
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CPT Richard Trione
I agree that reaching out for mental health assistance if never easy. I initially resisted receiving assistance, but later received wonderful services that truly saved my life! So, I am very thankful for mental health services and I am now an avid advocate for them!
SFC Moises Lozacruz
SFC Moises Lozacruz
3 y
CPT Richard Trione, I am glad you were able to overcome the many challenges and are now able to advocate for those who need it.
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