Aston Carter

Aston Carter

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SrA Kevin Panneton

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L&D Coordinator

Security Clearance: None
The L&D Coordinator will be in charge of implementing and designing the Development programs for each department. There are programs in place but they will be tasked with reviewing and designing new programs as they wish to see fit.


- Designs, develops, implements learning and development programs to ensure staff acquire the skills and develop the competencies required by organizations

- Identifies training needs and requirements

- Sets human resources development objectives, and evaluates learning outcomes

- Prepares and develops instructional training material and aids such as handbooks, visual aids, online tutorials, demonstration models, and supporting training reference documentation

- Designs, coordinates, schedules, and conducts training and development programs delivered through individual and group instruction. Facilitates workshops, meetings, demonstration and conferences

- Monitors and performs ongoing evaluation and assessment to training
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