Sierra Nevada Journeys

Sierra Nevada Journeys

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Sierra Nevada Journeys is a fast-growing non-profit serving the youth of north-eastern California and Northern Nevada. We are proud to be a very veteran friendly employer and look forward to adding to our ranks of passionate employees looking to build the camaraderie that comes from a dedication to service in our community. Sierra Nevada Journeys (SNJ) is a 501(c)(3) organization that uses the unique outdoor classrooms of our region to deliver robust outdoor science and collaborative problem solving education to promote long-term student achievement. SNJ’s Model uses outdoor science education supported by in-school lessons and teacher professional development to maximize student inspiration and achievement across science, math, reading, and critical thinking. Since our start in 2006, we have served 35,000 students and 3,000 educators with mutually supporting residential outdoor science programs, field / school based programs, and teacher professional development.
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How the organization supports veterans

What does the organization do to support veterans?

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How to get involved or get help

What are the ways you can get involved or get help?

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