http://Islamic Invasion of America
Islamic Invasion of the United States
Muslims understand there is no power unless they penetrate all aspects of American government, be it federal, state and local government. They’ve embedded themselves deep within our nation’s Mayoral, City Council, State Governor and Senatorial government, and has come to influence financial, educational and social direction in order to establish a foothold within the American political and educational systems. Through education direction, Muslims are forming the ideologies that Islam is the religion of peace, and through contributions, are seeking to influence all aspects of the education system and gain strength and power through political positioning to begin to rewrite and misdirect American history to reflect Islam a main contributor of American history. Case in point: The American Textbook Council, an organization that reviews history and social studies textbooks used in all American schools, and its director, Gilbert T. Sewall, have produced a series of articles and reports on Islam textbooks and the finding are horrifying. These textbooks are factually inaccurate, misrepresent and in most cases, do nothing more than glorify Islam and establishes their credibility. Islam in fact is nothing more then an Arabic Tribal Cult which promotes idolizing the Kaaba idol in Mecca built before the Quran was ever written between 610 A.D., and 632 A.D. The truth of the matter is the Islamic Quran, Sharia Law, and the Hadith (Sayings of Muhammad) all require “Complete Blind Submission” to Islam, which is antithetical to American federal, state and local government, the U.S. Constitution and to the Republic. Muslims who attest the Quran is their life’s guiding principal, subscribe to submission to Islam and “It’s form of radical government”. In fact, there are many verses in the Quran that “Commends” Islamists to kill those who do not submit to Allah and his prophet Muhammad, who was nothing more then a pedophile, child rapist and murderer. Allah and the prophet (Islam) “Condemns” assimilation in other cultures which includes American culture and its society and everything in which this country stands for. Muslims will seek to upstage our American culture and established rule of law, in favor of replacing it with Sharia Law, something in which Muslims have not only become fanatical about, but are focused in achieving. In the United States the laws of our federal, state and local governments are used in deciding cases that come before “Our” courts, with the US Constitution at the top of the hierarchy. Laws of other nations especially those that may appear in the writings of religious groups such as Islam is “Irrelevant”, yet they claim it infringes on the rights of Muslims to practice their religion. The problem is that their definition of “Practicing their religion” is so broad as to permit them to preempt the laws of the United States and each individual state. This is not the proper definition of the free exercise of a religious faith, but rather the overthrow of the legal system established in this country by the US Constitution and the Constitutions of states. Therefore, much to their dismay, these exclusions include “Sharia Law”, so beloved by Muslims. When one looks at the teachings of the Quran, it is clear this type of primitive tribal behavior “Is not” recognizable or accepted within the American culture. In America, we defend “Our” laws, Constitution, safety, welfare and security against “Any” attempt of foreign immigrants and or refugees whose sole purpose is to dominate the world with their twisted barbaric and tribal religion, and people who think “Our” nation must accept their particular faith and or law…should return or be sent back to where this type of behavior is acceptable. “Islamic Law Is Not Compatible” regardless who’s trying to spin it, be it liberal left and politicians, national news media, educators, contributors and or socialistic utopians. Muslims in the United States continue to use their faith as a crutch and or display themselves as the innocent victim, don’t be fooled to their deceptions. Today “Our” country faces an onslaught of Muslim advancements. Islamic Centers have been assigning scholarships to many Muslims within our educational system every year for the sole purpose of achieving the majority in graduating classes. Imagine within the next five years if not sooner, we will be experiencing a formidable army of politicians, Lawyers, Journalists, Doctors, Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement, and last but not least Educators, who teach at universities and all other levels of school, who can educate and indoctrinate people about Islam, Sharia Law and the Hadith conveniently elevating Islam above the American level in which we are now experiencing. Muslims utilizing “Exploitation” methods in order to use our system, the American system, the same system Muslims deplore, using our constitution, Democracy, Rule of Law and our tolerance to their advantage. Muslims will continually exploit their message; protect themselves in order to create a façade. False accusations are always reliable ammunition against Islamic critics and it will be used to silence them. Muslims continuously seek out sympathetic liberals, progressives and especially politicians, who sell the people’s votes to the highest bidder, especially the national news media who cater to their every demand. We the American people must for once in our lives, open our eyes to this invasion of both our culture and way of life in order to secure not only our immediate future, but for the future of our Children and Grandchildren and generations to come. We must deny those the minority the ability, over time, to gain the majority, power over us, a sovereign nation simply because the liberal left is mentally deranged and confused and are more inclined not to hurt another’s feelings. Stand Up! And take back our country while we still have the opportunity to do so. God bless America and all her people.