Responses: 7
Someone tell Trump that we turned Afghanistan and Iraq upside down. To say the Kurds never helped us in WWII has got to be some of the dumbest things he has said. He has no understanding of history. When we massacred the Native Americans and stole their lands, of course they were considered less than angelic as they fought for injustice.
SSG Robert Mark Odom
You said it sir he has no sense of hstory nor does he have a sense of commitment to the Constitution or to America's allies.
MAJ Ken Landgren
He worries about himself. He has corrupted the federal government. Case in point NOAA backed him up on Trump's errant hurricane map. The DOJ and DHS asserted that those in detention are treated humanely despite they lacked soap and tooth brushes. His rapid change in advisors, cabinet, and agency heads must be unpresented. He takes money from one appropriation for another one.
Sounds fair to me. It is a bloody sandbox. As for the Kurds, that's a mixed bag and the President is not ever politically or diplomatically correct. However, on those occasions when he uses his language with precision, the media edits his words to make him look politically or diplomatically incorrect. Thus, I will reserve judgment in this instance until I have a chance to look further into the incident. Keep in mind that there are splinter groups of the Kurds who are terrorists, committing most of their acts of terrorism in Turkey, an ally. Yes, really, Turkey is an ally. We have many bases there which have been crucial to our efforts in the Middle East. Our relationship with Turkey justifies our presence in the Black Sea. And, we have several intelligence platforms hosted in Turkey that allowed us to keep a close watch on the Soviets, now the Russians. Thus, our relationship with the Kurds is one that must be managed carefully. I am not yet convinced that President Trump is fully cognizant of these facts although his decision to withdraw from the conflict on the Syrian border, though much maligned in some quarters, does tend to indicate that someone is coaching him on that problem.
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