It's a shame when such a tragedy like these happens. Which leads me to share a short story of an experience I had this very week. I have this T-shirt I wear sometimes mostly just to annoy the gun snatchers. Which say "more people are killed in car accidents each year in the USA than guns. I got called out by a gun snatcher although he was very polite about it. He asked me were did I get that information from. I said to him it's right there at the finger tips of that smart phone you have in your hand look it up. I also said to him I have had this shirt for a few years so it could be wrong. He did just as I suggested as I stood and waited. When he pulled up the numbers he and I both was actually shocked from 2017 they were 40,100 fatalities by known car accidents and 15,549 by known fatalities by guns excluding suicides. So he said he was quite surprised. I said to him I only have one question for you? Should we band automobiles? I also said to him also am not here to defend any fatality by gun or any other form of violence. He put his hand out for a shake and thanked me. This was a weird encounter but quite interesting from his final reaction. Peace!