Responses: 1
The lines were blurred in ‘Nam. TET ‘68 began in late Jan, and lasted for months afterward. Mi Lai occurred within the TET ‘68 time frame. The Battle for Hue had just “ended” a couple weeks prior. The enemy could appear (ghostlike) out of the population - out of nowhere, and meld back in to the population just as easily. TET ‘68 was a shock to the increasingly demoralized troops. Why were they demoralized? The “spin” from the highest levels was not matching what the troops were seeing on the ground. The war was highly political, and they knew we were being told to conduct the war essentially with our “hands tied behind our backs”. It was somewhat like an early version of “Zombie Apocolypse” - shows that are “highly popular now” were nightmarish back then. They knew they were doing some really bad stuff, but there was (IMHO) a panicky kind of feeling that the only way to get rid of the enemy among the populace in this living nightmare was to “kill ‘em all - so we can go home”. Anyone remember the popular saying, “Nuke ‘em all - and let God sort it out?” Well, same mentality.
BTW, the VC/NVA were FAR worse over the course of the war, having no “collective conscience”. Their mentality was more like “We did what we had to do to win the war”. You wanna know how Mi Lai occurred and how it will “again” in the future? (IMHO -) look at our past, the nature of man (sin), the bombings (total war) of WWII, the Nazi’s, Stalin’s, MAO’s, Hitlers of history. Our population forgets. The world forgets. NOW...LOOK at the numbers of Marx, MAO, CHE, Castro, Socialist/Communist, totalitarian system, anarchists, etc. admirers, that are out there today..... No, we havn’t learned our lessons AT ALL. Perhaps the most damning proof that “we” are not any better than our “Mi Lai brethren” is to “look around” at what is so popular (in a more civilized way) today: Television violence, movie violence, 1st person “shooter” games, “rubberneckers” at accident scenes, dehumanizing (mass murdering) babies and calling them “fetus” in the womb, ignoring large populations in the world encountering recent “genocide” today...... IMHO - Who is kidding who? If we ever find ourselves in a “societal/law breakdown”, we will relive the past - like that which happened at Mi Lai. This is why we NEED to get a handle on our Constitution, the rule of law, our apathy, the present-day battles against anarchists, and most importantly - WE NEED to fall on our knees!,,,,, (2Chron 7.14): If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The lines were blurred in ‘Nam, and the lines are blurred today. Have we really learned any lessons? What a joke. IMHO
BTW, the VC/NVA were FAR worse over the course of the war, having no “collective conscience”. Their mentality was more like “We did what we had to do to win the war”. You wanna know how Mi Lai occurred and how it will “again” in the future? (IMHO -) look at our past, the nature of man (sin), the bombings (total war) of WWII, the Nazi’s, Stalin’s, MAO’s, Hitlers of history. Our population forgets. The world forgets. NOW...LOOK at the numbers of Marx, MAO, CHE, Castro, Socialist/Communist, totalitarian system, anarchists, etc. admirers, that are out there today..... No, we havn’t learned our lessons AT ALL. Perhaps the most damning proof that “we” are not any better than our “Mi Lai brethren” is to “look around” at what is so popular (in a more civilized way) today: Television violence, movie violence, 1st person “shooter” games, “rubberneckers” at accident scenes, dehumanizing (mass murdering) babies and calling them “fetus” in the womb, ignoring large populations in the world encountering recent “genocide” today...... IMHO - Who is kidding who? If we ever find ourselves in a “societal/law breakdown”, we will relive the past - like that which happened at Mi Lai. This is why we NEED to get a handle on our Constitution, the rule of law, our apathy, the present-day battles against anarchists, and most importantly - WE NEED to fall on our knees!,,,,, (2Chron 7.14): If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The lines were blurred in ‘Nam, and the lines are blurred today. Have we really learned any lessons? What a joke. IMHO
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