Posted on Jul 13, 2019
A key question about the climate crisis: how to talk about it
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I want to understand the causation relationships and metrics used for climate change.
LTC David Brown
MSG Stan Hutchison - well what makes you think the Federal Government works any better? We are Twenty Trillion dollars in debt. Bush took office and added $5.8 trillion to our debt, Obama added $8.5 trillion. Any sign this is slowing down? What happens? Two choices at this point. Cut spending. Do you see that happening? Or we can monetize the debt. More logical choice. Value of the dollar is going to shoot down the crapper like toilet paper. So can these clowns manage CO2 production any better than the manage the finances of our country? Seeing how they have screwed this up do you want them to have this kind of power? I mean they are F- - -king up our financial future so do you think they really care about CO2?
LTC David Brown
Once we get past our government screwing up then we can look at the inaccuracies of climate predictions. Snow would be rare, New York would flood, billions would die. It is insane. Then we have studies that indicate human activity is responsible for only 10% of the warming. So let’s cripple our economy, give the folks in Congress unprecedented power to achieve what? ABC News pedaling fear and despair. NewYork under water yet? Of course a climate scientist also predicted this.
Scientist Who Predicted NYC Would Be Underwater Says He’s ‘Not An Alarmist’
Former NASA climate scientist James Hansen previously predicted that much of New York City would be underwater by 2008.
LTC David Brown
Gee any one surfing or boogie boarding in Manhattan yet!
FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015
New York City underwater? Gas over $9 a gallon? A carton of milk costs almost $13? Remember when that happened on June 12, 2015? No? That was the wildly-inaccurate version of 2015 predicted by ABC News 11 years ago this week. Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob Woodruff hyped Earth 2100, a special that pushed apocalyptic predictions of the then-futuristic 2015.
MSG Stan Hutchison
LTC David Brown - Well, I can see this is a useless discussion. Anybody can find a multitude of reasons for doing nothing about this problem. I hope there are others out there that will take up the battle and help find a means to slow the warming. If not our children and their children will suffer.
BTW, all that talk about debt will become moot of our earth can no longer support human life. We cannot eat money.
BTW, all that talk about debt will become moot of our earth can no longer support human life. We cannot eat money.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Excellent article and post. Almost akin to a Dale Carnegie-esque *How to Win Friends and Influence People.* The mean of the bell curve can recognize and responds best to an honest soft touch as opposed to a patronizing pointed (middle) finger. Putting a fact-based and nonjudgmental smooth on usually cools things off which = the real world endgame in more ways than one.
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