This is an interesting, if not troubling survey and one that should raise some questions among the Rally Point community. Historically we have elected civilian leaders of the country and we as the military have served the nation regardless of what path the leadership may have taken us down. As the military we have our own opinions about things but as reflected in one of the survey categories we always responded with "no comment" because it was and is our job to serve the Constitution, and to 'obey the orders of those appointed over us'. It appears that with the advent of Social Media everyone gets a say... right down to Pvt. "Snuffie" who can't tie his boot laces properly... but he now has a say in matters important to the Nation. Without distorting the actual situation here we have to be reminded that decision by committee always results in the accepting the lowest common denominator solution because that is the one that you can get everyone to agree on. That is not the way we are going to win wars and keep the Nation secure from real world threats. My own view of this type of survey is "who cares"... we volunteer to carry out the lawful orders of those above us... and I will express my personal opinion about "them" in the sanctity of the voting booth, as I always have. What do you all think?