ISIL and it's off shoots are targeting their recruitment from schools allowing them to find disaffected and even those that are well educated clustered together. Little is being done to stop or prevent this recruitment from happening. Some schools have started teaching classes to explain to students what the true meaning of jihad is and what the true teachings of Islam are in order to give the strudents the "tools to reject extremism" and the government is talking about implementing programs to stop recruitment.
I applaud the teachers and school administration for trying to do what they can to prevent the loss of students to extremism but it is not enough.
Is the government dragging it's heels on developing a strategy to help the schools a reflection of consensus or for support of a specific type of Islam?
Despite the stepped up fight against Al Shabaab terrorists in Somalia and at home, Kenya's security services say that some Kenyan high schools and universities have become a place of radicalization. Those who join militant groups are largely from Kenya's disadvantaged groups, youth often lured by the hope of financial help.