Great story, but false historical interpretation. When the Battle of New Orleans was fought, the war was already won - by the Americans. The British had suffered another great defeat, equally disastrous to the British at Baltimore. The British assault on Ft McHenry was a diversion. The main thrust was a land invasion up the peninsula between the Patapsco and Back Rivers, with the British landing at Sparrows Point and marching to burn Baltimore as they had Washington, DC. However, they ran into the Maryland Militia led by General Sam Smith. He defeated the British with a strategy that the Soviets would use to great effect against Hitler - defense in depth. The final straw was the loss of the British commander. When news of this defeat reached Britain, they sued for peace and the Americans met them in Paris to sign an agreement that included Britain acknowledging American sovereignty and agreeing to leave alone American commerce and sailors. The British force arrived at New Orleans following the signing of this agreement