Here is some quick info on the Shiittes.
One of the reasons I am so hard on the religion/political system called Islam, is their Imam's have justified the attack on those who do not believe as they do. That includes women and children. I was around this for the first time when PamAm 103 was destroyed over Scotland. I was just up the road on active duty.
In America, we can worship whatever, or whoever we wish. Even a fence post. But when you use that fence post as a weapon to hit people over the head, due to them not believing as you, escalation of force can be used against you. That is the American way as I understand it.
Without getting into history, we continue to come into contact with a group of people who believe the 12th Imam will appear when the world goes to war.
Hopefully, we will use are power to limit Iran's reach in the days ahead. Rather than all out war.