There is no better example of the Cancel Culture than this. And as the third host proclaims, the authors of the Constitution had a blind spot in protecting freedom of speech. They never anticipated that the attack, censorship, would come, not from the government, but rather from the editors of news media. Indeed, even I who have lived through its ascendancy was blindsided by the utter and complete takeover of the news media by one ideological faction. From a very young age until middle age I read three newspapers every day. I chose them for the quality of their journalism rather than the ideology proclaimed from their opinion pages. Interestingly, the New York times made that cut. One of the three was a local paper. And having lived in many locals (Baltimore, Honolulu, Denver, and Los Angeles being the major cities) I had plenty of choices to make. There were always competing newspapers in each of those places. Now, you're lucky to find even one choice in each place and they're not really a "choice" inasmuch as they all suffer from the same disease that ruined the NY Times. BTW, electronic media (radio and television) was never a choice. In the early days, broadcasters simply hired voices to read a local paper out loud. When they finally created their own news departments, they were leading the charge as ideological propagandists. Well, now we have a "liberal" NY Times editor providing an insight into the extend of the disease infecting that paper. Indeed, it sounds like "death rattles" to me...