Responses: 3
In the 70s this was talked about as Coal, Oil, leaded fuel, unleaded fuel auto emissions controls, waste water controls, coal dust dumping, strip mining, industrial metal mining, chemical plant processing, etc. President Nixon and Congressional Democrats and Republicans worked together to sign EPA law into existence in 1970. Many updates have been made with bi-partisan support until the CO2 component have been added.
The environmentalist movement and many in government want fossil fuel use = bad actions.
I want government to hold businesses accountable for many pollution emission control outputs, it is in all of our best interests for this governmental function to exist.
CO2 is not pollution emission element, it is a trace gas in the air, the government is waiting time and resources that can be spent tracking actual pollution.
The environmentalist movement and many in government want fossil fuel use = bad actions.
I want government to hold businesses accountable for many pollution emission control outputs, it is in all of our best interests for this governmental function to exist.
CO2 is not pollution emission element, it is a trace gas in the air, the government is waiting time and resources that can be spent tracking actual pollution.
Attacking Bill Nye is funny to me, as it's done by those with no basis for their rebuttal. He has done more to get science into kids than almost anyone in the last decade. And here we are America, bottom gutter in math science and engineering. Forget your climate change opinion and think? We're near last in first developed countries in MSE, how many scientists do you know? You can't count me lol
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