This Navy Psychology Career link I believe states there are 200 billets for Psychology. Am I reading this correct?
I think Psychologist serve on ships during deployments. I think they are only on Aircraft Carriers.
My medical support on the FFG was just the e7 Corpsman and a few below him. I tried to transfer off the ship. MEPS disqualified it medically. One year later off the ship I was diagnosed with Major Depression and Bi Polar and the doctor never asked anything about the ship that I had just been assigned for almost 5 years previous. I did not know how to talk about things I could not understand when I was 18 on those ships.
Losing everything unable to adapt to a normal life and keep a job, always in survival mode, unable to access slower more relaxed though patterns, leading to chronic joblessness and resultant poverty, eventually living on couches and in living in the streets in cars leading to suicide hospitals fiances leaving me my mom passing away with heart ache but the greatest love and heart for her son, would be memories before I was told at the va some 15 years later, I had acted this way do thing that happened on the ship that I did not know how to process and never was able to talk about then and now get to think about every day. I am finding so many Navy reports about these NRF FFGs that are negative. I found online on Indiana University archive of Navy Instructions, The Inspector General of the Navy created a instruction 1995 5040.1 and repeated in 1998 5040.1A (you can google) to correct "systemic weakness in training and administration". After just have had a meritorious experience in bootcamp you dont want your next command to be a ship with documented systemic weakness in training and administration. Some think tank decided as a "test" that is well documented to under man ships in a 80 percent active and 20 percent reserve. It was a test to save money and keep more ships as deployable assets. The central commands and these NRF ships are all decommissioned and mothballed.
I think a billet for a Psychologist knowing the operational situational higher level conditions should be on all these ships
With American Pride I say the following
America has more then enough resources to fully man ships all the time forever and never have systemic problems in training and administration due to diminished manpower due budget
I believe this question and calling falls into line with Our Constitutions Preamble calling for use to form a more perfect union and promote general welfare.
We the People
Signed in convention September 17, 1787. Ratified June 21, 1788
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.