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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
I guess it's just my age but I can't look at today without thinking of yesterday. For example, in the fight over face masks, I am put in mind of the fight to ban smoking in public places. And when I see the fight over the display of the Confederate flag, I am put in mind of the fight to ban public demonstrations by the American Nazi Party. The reasoning for allowing them to gather and march (or whatever) was twofold. One it was a matter of freedom of conscience (although it may be argued that Nazi's have none) and two, if banned, they would be driven underground where it would be harder to keep track of their location and size. There's a third issue: What does the Confederate flag represent? Despite the arguments purporting that the Great Rebellion wasn't about slavery, there is plenty of extant proof that it was. Just read the declarations of secession and you'll see more than enough to convince you. But is anyone displaying the Confederate flag today advocating the return of slavery? I haven't seen any proof of it. Have you? Nor is it displayed as a symbol advocating Jim Crow laws. It seems that it is more a symbol of simple rebellion or simple Southern Pride (not in slavery but rather in the fact that Southerners believe themselves to be a better sort of American, that their food and neighborliness is better). And no, I don't display a Confederate flag anywhere, anytime. It's not my "thing". On holidays, I display the Stars and Stripes, the Army flag, and a commemorative 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam War flag.
SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
SSG (Join to see)
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Actually I have seen the confederate flag used to symbolize a return the slavery. I've seen it early in my career, when I had a racist soldier assigned to me.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
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SSG (Join to see) - Please explain
SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
SSG (Join to see)
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CPT Jack Durish For starters having soldiers say they don't see what the problem with slavery is, we gave your people a free boat ride over here. The flag represents a time when America was great. And other bullshit to that nature.
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SPC Margaret Higgins
COL Charles Williams: Dear Charles, if I may indeed, address you by your first name, I Thank Thee; Beyond Compare; for Thy mentioning my name.
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SSG Soldier
For many, that glad has become a symbol of hatred, bigotry and white supremacy, regardless of whatever they can be argued to have once represented. None of those ideals or beliefs have any place in the United States Military.
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