The last administration supported the Muslim Brotherhood's man in Egypt Morsi until he started shouting for the death of Israel. Then, SISI (military) took over by force of arms.
The last administration OK'ed the use of American assets to remove Qaddafi under the NATO flag. Remember, Hillary stated we came, we saw, he died. (Wasn't there a Roman who stated something simular?), Anyway, Qaddafi refused the silver and got the lead. As well as a good buggering. Compliments of the world system agenda.
Libya is in chaos. Most of the war lords support the Turkish Caliph. The so called extremists within Sunni Islam are supporting the other side who are about to take over if Turkey does not help. The Caliph in Turkey stated he will send support to Libya.
This is the reason for my post. In response, Egypt sends military help to the opposing team.
I do not know which side America supports. But I am betting it is the side Egypt is supporting. Due to the Caliph being such a little bit**.
Those troop carriers in the pic appear to be American made.