Posted on May 13, 2020
Federal judge mulls contempt charge against Michael Flynn
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Yep. It’s no coincidence that Barr waited till now to politicize the cases against Stone, Flynn, and Manafort. He could’ve squashed this last summer after his epic rewriting Mueller’s report.
The below read is more incite for retrospection. My only takeaway, the constant lying by Trump officials when asked if they’ve been talking with the Russians about certain things. It’s not entrapment if you tell the truth then defend your position.
The below read is more incite for retrospection. My only takeaway, the constant lying by Trump officials when asked if they’ve been talking with the Russians about certain things. It’s not entrapment if you tell the truth then defend your position.
The facts on Michael Flynn, the FBI, and Bill Barr’s bombshell
How we got from a 2016 phone call with the Russian ambassador to the #Obamagate conspiracy theory.
Try the Flynn defense if you are ever arrested. Plead guilty so they drop the charges. Good luck.
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