When You listen to this remember all the people souls hearts lost in space beyond you forever and ever as if you were just a dream yourself
How do you touch that?
What if love was something we all had overwhelming abundance?
I know it sounds peculiar dream able dream
I can recall
I fight for this thought
a lover with me
like in the Navy she will down with me to the bitter end
Oh I lost my friend again
I am fighting for recigniation as a veteran who experienced life altering things
against those in a government paycheck
that can debate for ever
if having that duty assignment
would leave him in the gutter
if only someone cared to pay attention
not that society really turns and eye
when you fell out and why?
but we pick each other one by one under the stars and the sun
they made laws to protect me
I finally see because this is not the first time that this happened
The reality is this is human reality
Faults in a system taht was taught to you to be wholly
Wholly Molly you the streets again no money to even have a gf
this has been going on for over a decade plus
I can not even fight of cuss it away
She left me right after my navy army trasnfer was medically disqualified endlessly 22 years of age
Robo Cop boy comes back for more honor pride integrity grinds his soul
he never had a father yet to know
the military was his bread and butter all in a row
until I could not remember how to make that sandwich
when the butter had dried and the bread had died
Then I read the Constitution Preamble and it all mades sense again
We the People
Signed in convention September 17, 1787. Ratified June 21, 1788
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
That we been trying to get it right before and after 1787
Based on Justice For We
So maybe it is still a dream not forgotten
just a few years past
the point of no address
return to sender
That was a mind bender
when you joined to serve
lose it all
end up in the gutter
to finally realize
you swore an oath
do not return to sender
to defend the constitution
we the people
to the very end
but sometimes you need that defense to
you Gave it all
to realize you are not the same
a brain set that got changed
You wan to know if she can still be yours
So you have not forgotten that you possibly will always find what it was that was yours