Responses: 1
, great article what you should try to do instead of worrying about the Middle East is focused on Canada that can import or export 1 million barrels a day the United States thereby making it even more self-sufficient since the US is now becoming an oil exporter. POTUS Obama killed the Keystone XL pipeline but now it's going under review and it may be built under the new Trump Administration. That way the Middle East oil supplies could be marginalized since we have a landline from Canada.
LTC Eric Udouj
You often see that perspective of a USA focus... but it is not the actual strategic picture because it may be that we are now self-sufficent in our oil needs... but that is not the case for our principle allies. Principle amongst those would be Japan and South Korea and several (not all) European countries as well. The strategic picture is not one often painted in US politics... but is the reason for the focus on the oil flow.
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