If you want to be a great leader then one of the most important things you can do is learn how to speak in public. If you look at some of the top military leaders in the world, you will see that they all have the ability to look people in the eye and give a commanding presentation.
Public speaking is not exactly an experience every person enjoys or would do willingly. Still, over the course of our lives there will inevitably be situations where we are expected to stand in front of a group of people and communicate our thoughts to them. When speaking in public we need to carry a great deal of self-confidence and composure. This is, of course, easier said than done (so to speak).
Public speaking fear comes easily for many of us, and getting rid of it seems borderline impossible. Much of this derives from expectations. We feel we are expected to present an air of confidence, to impart wise words, to entertain and illuminate. These are self-imposed expectations – and they can cripple our confidence. So the first rule has to be: lower your expectations. Far from expecting you to be the best public speaker since MLK, most in the audience will be remembering back to their own public speaking fear when it was their turn to do this. They aren’t expecting greatness, so neither should you.
Do your research. Find interesting things to say. These are essential – and will calm your mind. You can’t scrimp on the background work. You might think it will ease your fears by not confronting the looming public speaking engagement, but it will have the opposite effect. It will become a depressing, anxiety cloud dominating you. Instead confront it. Find material that will interest your audience. This will give you the self-confidence you need – for even if you still feel public speaking fear, you at least know you’re giving your audience something valuable.
Yet another method to gain some kind of control over your anxiety of public speaking is mental support. Hypnosis can be used to mold your mind in a means where you will feel reduced public speaking fear and stress. It has actually been a method a surprisingly large number of people (including many celebrities and politicians) have employed with success. However, you should bear in mind that a hypnosis session will certainly not be cheap – especially if done with a high quality professional. For a cheaper alternative search the internet for hypnosis self-help CDs and books.
Before the big day be sure to get a good night’s sleep, and abstain from alcohol. It may seem a good idea at the time, but the sharper your mind is the better.
You may not enjoy the experience (few of us do) but do your best, put in the effort it deserves, and you will at least get the positive feeling of have tried your hardest.