I 'm interested in others thoughts of the topic of institutionalized racism . I've a attached a video that should help in explaining to anyone that is unfamiliar with what institutionalized racism is. From what I understand it originated as a sociology term in 60's. There are arguments as to whether or not it still exists today. It is claimed that the government under the motive of institutionalized racism arrests more minorities and gives harsher penalties. That housing is done on purpose such as the projects. Employment has institutionalized racism and decides to favor others with similar degrees over minorities. People who are raised in say a prodominantly white neighborhood wouldn't be aware of institutionalized racism and instead considered to be on the beneficial side. As the military and beyond is a government institution would it be feasible upon reflection that the military contributes to institutionalized racism. After considering whether or not it exists today as people say it does or doesn't. What differences between the civil agencies and military allow for or prevent institutionalized racism. Thanks for any ideas