Are you an your loved one's safe from these iPredators? It is important to educate yourself and your Family on this type of criminal that only seeks destruction and sometimes death onto others through the Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
Dr. Michael Nuccitelli writes of the destruction and death these iPredators cause to others (from his website):
"Psychology of Online Aggression & Deception" by Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.
"As a forensic psychologist with experience in theoretical criminology and abnormal psychology, this writer has formulated a psychological, sociological & criminological construct for the growing dimension known as cyberspace. In the manuscript that follows, this writer introduces his theoretical paradigm and profile, iPredator, who he believes to be the modern-day criminal and psychological reprobate. This new breed of human predator uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to profile, locate, track and attack their human prey. The types & behavioral patterns of iPredator include: cyberbullying, cyber harassment, cyberstalking, cybercrime, online sexual predation, internet trolls, cyberstealth, online psychopathy, online deception and cyber terrorism. In 2014, this writer added online child pornography consumer/distributors as a new typology.
Within this construct, cyber harassment is the adult form of cyberbullying and used when the perpetrator is an adult. Vital to understanding the theoretical core of iPredator is this writer’s staunch belief that iPredators are variants of classical criminals, deviants and nefarious entities. ICT and the Information Age has created a new dimension leading to an entirely new population of humanity engaged in malevolent, harmful and deceptive practices. ICT and cyberspace are not tools used by the sociopath, deviant, narcissist or classic criminal, but part of a new generation that will be permanent fixtures to humanity for centuries to follow.
The term, iPredator, is a global construct designed to include any child, adult, business entity or organized group who uses ICT to harm, abuse, steal from, assault or defame other ICT users. Also included in this construct are people who use ICT to benefit from the victimization and harm of others, but are not the principal perpetrators. Prime examples of this iPredator subset is criminals who engage in the sale and profit of child pornography using ICT. As ICT advances and humanity becomes more dependent upon information technology, it is inevitable the types of iPredator will expand as well. The 2013 formal definition of iPredator is as follows:
iPredator: A person, group or nation who, directly or indirectly, engages in exploitation, victimization, coercion, stalking, theft or disparagement of others using Information and Communications Technology [ICT]. iPredators are driven by deviant fantasies, desires for power and control, retribution, religious fanaticism, political reprisal, psychiatric illness, perceptual distortions, peer acceptance or personal and financial gain. iPredators can be any age or gender and are not bound by economic status, race, religion or national heritage. iPredator is a global term used to distinguish anyone who engages in criminal, coercive, deviant or abusive behaviors using ICT. Central to the construct is the premise that Information Age criminals, deviants and the violently disturbed are psychopathological classifications new to humanity.
Whether the offender is a cyberstalker, cyber harasser, cybercriminal, online sexual predator, internet troll, cyber terrorist, cyberbully, online child pornography consumer/distributor or engaged in internet defamation or nefarious online deception, they fall within the scope of iPredator. The three criteria used to define an iPredator include:
•A self-awareness of causing harm to others, directly or indirectly, using ICT.
•The usage of ICT to obtain, exchange and deliver harmful information.
•A general understanding of Cyberstealth used to engage in criminal or deviant activities or to profile, identify, locate, stalk and engage a target.
Unlike human predators prior to the Information Age, iPredators rely upon the multitude of benefits offered by Information and Communications Technology [ICT]. These assistances include exchange of information over long distances, rapidity of information exchanged and the seemingly infinite access to data available. Malevolent in intent, iPredators habitually deceive others using ICT in the abstract and artificial electronic universe known as cyberspace. Therefore, as the internet naturally offers all ICT users anonymity, if they decide, iPredators actively design online profiles and diversionary tactics to remain undetected and untraceable.
Cyberstealth, a sub-tenet of iPredator, is a covert method by which iPredators attempt to establish and sustain complete anonymity while they engage in ICT activities planning their next assault, investigating innovative surveillance technologies or researching the social profiles of their next target. Concurrent with the concept of Cyberstealth is iPredator Victim Intuition [IVI], an iPredator’s IVI is their aptitude to sense a target’s ODDOR [Offline Distress Dictates Online Response], online & offline vulnerabilities, psychological weaknesses, technological limitations, increasing their success of a cyber-attack with minimal ramifications."
Read the rest at the link provided.