I'm not a fan of the Huffington Post. But, the medical information listed in the article appears factual to me.
I post this as a warning to folks going outside in the south. If you are wondering why you are so tired, but know you should not be, the above information will help you understand.
There was a 20% moon last night. I had went fishing down in the creek. It took everything I had to get to point A. I was drained and had a long nap after lunch. So, I didn't understand my weakness.
Laying in the water helped. It took awhile to feel better. On the way home, I took a wrong turn. The moon was just not bright enough and my red light lit up a small area. Anyway, I got lost for about 15min. Mental sharpness was affected too.
Some active duty individuals might read this and it can help you realize the clinical. Take an extra canteen of water.
Mark A. Morris BS, RDMS, RVT