Responses: 6
The whole Comey/Mueller thing stunk from the very beginning. My big question was what role Rosenstein had in appointing Mueller, whether he was complicit or if he was a dupe. Now I am confident he knew exactly what he was doing. He needs to be fired, replaced by someone with integrity, and then that person needs to call Mueller in for an update on the status of his investigation. And when that status update is complete, Rosenstein's replacement needs to collect all the materials and fire Mueller and his entire team.
SSG Robert Webster
SSgt Christopher Brose Rosenstein was complicit. To figure that out, all you have to do is to look at who in the FBI and the DOJ was involved with the Uranium One case.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSG Robert Webster - I agree, but I didn't know that when Rosenstein appointed Mueller as independent counsel.
Besides saving himself, is there any saving grace to Mueller?
This shows that it is a political witch hunt: "Weissmann, as deputy and later director of the Enron Task Force, destroyed the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs worldwide — only to be reversed several years later by a unanimous Supreme Court."
Reversed by a unanimous Supreme Court - I think that says it all.
This shows that it is a political witch hunt: "Weissmann, as deputy and later director of the Enron Task Force, destroyed the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs worldwide — only to be reversed several years later by a unanimous Supreme Court."
Reversed by a unanimous Supreme Court - I think that says it all.
Ever hear of a target rich environment? That's what he's looking at. He won't have to make anything up.....he just needs to shine a light into the dark corners.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Gary Andrews - An entire anti-Republican anti-Trump press corps and a plethora of leakers haven't been able to put any substance at all on the accusation that Russia hacked our election and that Trump colluded. And they have tried.
SSgt Gary Andrews
The fat lady ain't singing yet on the investigation Ssgt Brose.....little soon to call it, one way or the other.
SSgt Gary Andrews
It always is.....just before the indictments come out. Mueller keeps his cards close to the vest until it's time to lay them on the table.'s the quiet one you have to watch out for, not the barker.
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