A Brave New World nor 1984 were supposed to be guidebooks. Is "soma" is on it's way? Who wants to be a drone to people who cannot fathom free-will while their arguments resemble Orwellian newspeak? You cannot have liberty, free-will when dangerous people are actively lobbying government entities to covertly alter the individual's chemistry, en masse.
"My research in bioethics focuses on questions like how to induce those who are noncooperative to get on board with doing what’s best for the public good. To me, it seems the problem of coronavirus defectors could be solved by moral enhancement: like receiving a vaccine to beef up your immune system, people could take a substance to boost their cooperative, pro-social behavior. Could a psychoactive pill be the solution to the pandemic?"
The author has even written a paper suggesting "Compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert"
"My argument for this is that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration is a matter of public health, and for this reason should be governed by public health ethics. I argue that the covert administration of a compulsory moral bioenhancement program better conforms to public health ethics than does an overt compulsory program. In particular, a covert compulsory program promotes values such as liberty, utility, equality, and autonomy better than an overt program does."