Responses: 3
David Tippie thanks for the in-depth analysis of the Democratic/Republican party. I never looked at some of these greats points of interest. Great article.
David Tippie
Read the whole website Brian, speed reading a few paragraphs could leave you in the dark. What I speak of is, no billionaire backers, just We The People. When I reach the right eyes and ears, my words will be spread like wildfire and the 2016 candidacy is going to blow wide open, for everyone is waiting for someone like me, not the guy behind the curtain who appears on the scene, now in front of the curtain, like Donald Trump. What this nation needs is a unified American Party and it can't happen with the amount of RINO's and Harry Reid type Democrats that we have in the House and Senate today. Romney didn't lose the election, the Republican Party acting like children did. America must fire the lifer politicians and only hire Patriots like David Tippie. I’ve repeatedly warned that there is a scripted, psuedo-war between Dems and Repubs, liberals and conservatives which is in reality a false divide-and-conquer dog-and-pony show created by the powers that be to keep the American people divided and distracted. It is the ideology of; don't pay attention to the guy behind the curtain, just pay attention to me and what I tell you. What keeps the American people trapped in Serfdom is their jealousy. We are jealous of our neighbor when they buy a new car or anything else. The last person on earth Americans would vote for would be someone who looks like the, acts like them or has the same money that they do. We had a revolution because we did not want to be ruled by the Royals; but we have been slowly brought back to wanting that, so all we want to vote for is the guy with the most money. Without others to help me educate America, we are Doomed to eternal Serfdom. Do you want to help me save our country from itself? I certainly would not blame you if you took that same road as your neighbors; work is not something cherished by those who have been slowly heated over the decades with free stuff, so they would never feel when the temperature was hot enough to boil, so when death is upon them, they won’t even know what is happening. You can stay on the sideline and just laugh at the subject matter that I bring to your attention, or you can choose to do something, like spread my words. Obviously you don’t think you need any natural wellness from me so that is out.
David Tippie
The Boss will determine that: Who is the Boss? We The People! Has the go along and get along worked for you so far? If not, would it be likely that doing something completely different would be called for? I am completely against the crooked establishment and will not be following their rules and go through the (Get On The Ballet Routine) We The People are going to take our country back and, My name will simply be written in, where the voting ballet states, Who is your choice for President.
Alan K.
I agree with you....Good luck, I would suggest getting your name and backstory out there more.
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