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Responses: 2
LTC Owner
Great post SN (Join to see)
Many years ago I read a book about how to keep from getting a ticket when pulled over by a cop. As I was doing a lot of driving at the time and would occasionally exceed the posted speed limit I thought it might help. What I took away from the book was this: look at the traffic stop from the eyes of the police officer, he or she has just stopped a vehicle with no knowledge of who is inside or where they are coming from, they could easily be fleeing from an armed robbery. With that in mind, have your license and other paperwork required per where you live readily available when the officer approaches you. Keep your hands on the steering wheel in plain sight and be polite. Address the officer by the appreciate title, officer, deputy, trooper etc. Personally I have found that being polite is the key.
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MSgt C Madd
SN (Join to see) Agency has released prior portion of incident. Subject had open bottle of liquor on her blanket on the sand. She refused to give her name as he was about to only cite her for her infraction. She then decided to batter the officer. Police do not get paid to be hit or struck by anyone. Once that happens by anyone, no matter of size or gender, you are going to take a ride. Being under the influence always makes bad decisions worse. Most of the time if you do not fight or run, you can usually leave the scene with just a ticket. Today’s society believes you have the right to fight or run. Truly sad.
MSgt C Madd
MSgt C Madd
>1 y
SSgt Addison R. Definition of battery is to touch or strike.
MSgt C Madd
MSgt C Madd
>1 y
Agree laws and definitions differ state to state. She hit with her hands, and kicked with her feet. I disagree with your assessment. Again, give your name, take your ticket, police leave you alone and walk away.
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