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The fascinating part of this presentation is that this man, like so many, appears to have never actually studied Progressivism. They like the sound of the word and cling to it like a soft blanket. Sadly, Progressivism has always been a weapon for building and maintaining authoritarianism. Progressivism, as defined by Woodrow Wilson departed from the progressivism of Teddy Roosevelt. Wilson's vision was of a strong Executive populated by the intelligentsia to make decisions and direct society. He and his fellow intellectuals looked down on We the People (now We the Deplorables) as unfit to govern ourselves. It took several decades for their vision to gain traction and it was only in the past three decades that government grew cancerously. And it wasn't all government, just the Executive Branch (as Wilson envisioned) with bureaucracies assuming all three roles of government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial).