Responses: 4
SGT Robert Wager
SGT Robert Pryor I am 100% P/T now I don’t even miss it anymore so whenever they say I’m done paying them back I will worry about it.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Wager - To get severance pay, you should have been rated either 10% or 20% by the military and your severance pay based on that lower rating. If you were rated by the military at a higher percentage you should have been offered Permanent Disability Retirement List (Chapter 61), or at a minimum, Temporary Disability Retirement List, with a reevaluation after a year, with the possibility of be invited back into the service or placed on PDRL following reevaluation. As you are currently rated 100%, you should have had the severance pay recouped years ago. I suggest you contact your VA rep (DAV, The American Legion, VFW, Amvets, Red Cross or whomever) to have your claim reviewed. Something doesn't sound right here.
SGT Robert Wager
SGT Robert Pryor they stopped taking it out about 8 years ago and then they decided to start taking it out again.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Wager - That reinforces the need for you to talk to you Vet Rep. It sounds to me like they continue to screw you, even after nearly 20 years. A simple first step would you to download a VA Form 21-4138 Statement in Support of Claim from the Internet, complete it asking for an audit of your compensation all the way back to your date of separation. Then send it to the VA Regional Office where your claims records are maintained. You could even do that without the assistance of your Vet Rep, but it would probably go easier with their assistance. The results of an audit are straight forward. They do a list of your monthly entitlement since separation, and then make a printout of every payment you have received, including dates of payment. Then they add the payments to the amount to have been recouped and they must equal the total entitlement amount.
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