I just had to share this. I hear that Bernie is considering another run for the White House. (Please, pretty please, do) Yes, I know. It's from Prager U. Oooooh... booga, booga. Still, it's true. Deal with it. My favorite part concerns men with guns taking your money because, what the hell, they were sent to enforce democratically legislated laws. Let me tell you a story. When I worked at Social Security, we had a simple way of taking your money. We'd simply take what you owed from what we were going to pay you in the future. We'd hold back all of your monthly benefit until the amount owed was recovered. But, what if your benefits had stopped? For example, if you were receiving disability benefits and were no longer disabled. Well, then we'd send the men with guns. To be fair, we'd warn you. We would send you a nice letter on Social Security Administration letterhead. If you didn't repay the amount, we'd send you another letter on Secret Service letterhead (we kept a supply just for such contingencies). If you've never seen Secret Service letterhead, let me assure you, it's scary looking, really scary looking. Black seals and bold type.