Posted on Sep 27, 2016
Reality Check: First Clinton v Trump presidential debate
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 5
Clinton really exposed Trump for who he really is. I've studied body language in college and Clinton kept her composure ( as a President should) while Trump clearly acted like child that needed his sippy cup to calm down. He tried so many times to shoot Clinton down but she came back stronger. I cannot see a President that has it out for Mexicans. Muslims. and overweight people. Just because he sleeps on side of a stick every night doesn't means that every guy should. His facts never checked out. He was clearly lying and don't have anything to show for it. The American people want those taxes released Donald. This was the best debate I've seen in years and normally i don't watch debates because I can't politics seriously
I watch Japan tv and it blows their minds that we are voting for candidates that are so unpopular.
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